300B valves by KR Audio?

Siegfried Unruh-san, my music/audio-related e-mail friend who lives in Poland, wrote me an e-mail concerning the 300B vacuum valves:

音楽やオーディオ関係の知合いでポーランド在住の Siegfried Unruh さんが,300B 真空管についてのメールを送ってきました:

... I have not the most expensive of his amplifiers but I happen to know somebody in Germany who was even able to really lift up these amplifiers by tuning/ modifying them e.g. with special power-tubes, produced by KRON ENTERPRISE. Unbelievable - by replacing the original and even best new old stock 300B's with these KRON-valves, you can easily achieve a level of musical truth which no-one would ever imagine. Beside of this these valves get 1,6-2 times more power out of the amplifier (instead of the original 300B) which is very valuable with all Single-Ended and PSE-gear. There are 2 types for substituting 300B's: Kron BLSX 300B and Kron VV 302B (the older type-these I use - totally stunning). If you are interested in these I could help you to get more information or to buy it. They are not very expensive even. As rectifier-valves the friend I mentioned (he is the official dealer for Kondo-san in Germany and a total specialist in high-end and valves) recommended me (even if you will now laugh) older valves coming from the Russian Army but these make in rectifying an unbelievable good job. As preamplifying valves there should be no replacements but the new old stock makes used (RCA or similar, there are no new alternatives for these NOS-valves). ...

As this e-mail suggests, he seems to give the highest praise to KR Audio valves. I knew the existence of several variants and “clones” of original 300B tubes, but I haven't paid special attention to the KRON 300B (KR Audio) made in Czech Republic. Anyway I am going to include the KRON 300B in my future replace canditates (when my current tubes get broken). BTW my current 300Bs are made in China :)

メールの通り,彼は KR Audio の真空管を大絶賛している様です.オリジナル 300B 互換及びクローンが多数流通していることは知ってはいましたが,チェコの KR Audio の KRON 300B には特に注目することもありませんでした.ともあれ (今使っている管が壊れたら) リプレース候補にしておきます.ちなみに今使っているのは中国製です :)

I feel anxious that the official site www.kraudio.com is suspended (seems to be already expired), but anyway here is an archived web sites (and some other references):

オフィシャルサイトである www.kraudio.com は suspend されている (多分 expire してしまってるのでしょう) のが気になりますが,ともあれ web アーカイブとその他備忘録:


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