![[G4 AGP, G4 Dual MDD and Athlon server]](/shaolin/img/DCP_1052.jpg)
とある事情により,うちに新しい計算機がやってきました.近い将来 Vine Linux のビルドファームとして活躍してもらうことになります.
Here came a brand new computer in my room by chance. In the near future this machine will start working as a build-farm for Vine Linux development.
Power Mac G4 1.25GHz Dual (Mirrored Drive Doors).
この前 gotom 君に譲った (正確には又貸しした) Ultra 10 の場所は,かくしてうまったのでした.
It sits on the place where Ultra 10 was at (I gave Ultra 10 to gotom-kun, or more precisely, I subleased it to him).
本体後ろは小さな穴だらけで,さぞかし排気やファンの音がうるさいんだろう,と覚悟していたのですが,意外や意外,充分静かでした.隣の Athlon マシン (うちのサーバ) の方がずっと精神衛生上よろしくありません.
The back side of the chasis has so many small round holes - when I saw them I was afraid this machine was so noisy with exhaust and spinning fans. However, it is rather silent enough against my expectation, while the Athlon machine (my primary server) next to this new Mac is always noisy.
で,設置して電源投入し,おもむろに OS X Install/Restore DVD から起動.80GB の内蔵 HDD のパーティションを切り直して,20GB 部分に OS X をリストア.
As soon as I set up the new computer, I booted it from OS X Install/Restore DVD, re-partitioned internal 80GB HDD, then restored OS X onto the 20GB partition.
その後,以前個人的に作った 2.6改 の CD-ROM から boot し,55GB のパーティションに無理矢理インストール.若干てこずりましたが,無事 VineSeed へと dist-upgrade 完了.
Next task was to boot from modified version of Vine-2.6 CD-ROM - I managed to install this old Linux environment onto the 55GB partition. Then I successfully upgraded to the most-recent development version of VineSeed by “apt-get dist-upgrade”.
$ uname -a Linux homer 2.4.25-0vl1smp #1 SMP 2004年 3月 22日 月曜日 15:48:47 JST ppc unknown
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 cpu : 7455, altivec supported clock : 1249MHz revision : 3.3 (pvr 8001 0303) bogomips : 1248.46 processor : 1 cpu : 7455, altivec supported clock : 1249MHz revision : 3.3 (pvr 8001 0303) bogomips : 1248.46 total bogomips : 2496.92 machine : PowerMac3,6 motherboard : PowerMac3,6 MacRISC2 MacRISC Power Macintosh board revision : 00000001 detected as : 129 (PowerMac G4 Windtunnel) pmac flags : 00000000 L2 cache : 256K unified memory : 2048MB pmac-generation : NewWorld
(dmesg は こちら)
(you can see the dmesg here)
kernel argument に video=radeon:dfp
を足すだけで,DVI で接続されたうちの DELL の液晶ディスプレイに 1600x1200 の広大な frame buffer console が出現.また,純正のビデオカードである Radeon 9000 Pro for Mac も XOrg でフツーに使えました.
Simply by adding video=radeon:dfp
to kernel argument, my DELL DFP showed up vast frame buffer console of 1600x1200 pixels. And in-stock video card (Radeon 9000 Pro for Mac) run without a flaw with XOrg.
... もっと難儀するかと思っていたのですが,余りにもあっさり動いたのでやや拍子抜け.Mirrored Drive Doors じゃなくて FW800 (OS 9 起動できない方) だったら,ちょっとはいじりがいがあったのかしら.G5 Dual でも若干の苦労はあったでしょうが,あれは予算の都合上買えませんでした.
... I was rather disappointed that Linux runs so smooth on this machine :) To tell the truth I expected to have a sort of issues I had to hack. Should I have got FW800 (that can't boot OS9) instead of this Mirrored Drive Doors to do some hacks? I don't know... Of course G5 Dual would be the best canditate, but it was rather expensive.