ふーむ,しらん間に HFS+ が拡張されてたのね.
- Technical Notes TN1150 - HFS Plus Volume Format (revised version on March 2, 2004)
HFSX is an extension to HFS Plus to allow additional features that are incompatible with HFS Plus. The only such feature currently defined is case-sensitive filenames.
An HFSX volume may be either case-sensitive or case-insensitive. Case sensitivity (or lack thereof) is global to the volume; the setting applies to all file and directory names on the volume. To determine whether an HFSX volume is case-sensitive, use the keyCompareType field of the B-tree header of the catalog file. A value of kHFSBinaryCompare means the volume is case-sensitive. A value of kHFSCaseFolding means the volume is case-insensitive.
In an Apple partition map, the partition type (PMPartType) of an HFSX volume is set to "Apple_HFSX".