June 2011 Archives

Yesterday afternoon we went to the tennis school (where we once lived near and I had regular lesson for several years) with my daughter to see how the kids tennis lesson (“Kinder Class”) was like.

We just watched the class behind the fence - not the trial lesson for my daughter. Sorry for her - she complained that she wanted to join the class and play with balls and racquets. Very sorry for her. Anyway we watched 80% of the whole lesson - about 40 minutes - until my daughter got bored of standing behind the fence, watching the kids class on the tennis court.

Not bad. We saw two children (two four-years-old boys) in the class on that day, while on the neighbouring court “Players' Course” (a very serious class for teens who wants to be professional tennis players) was playing very hard. The two kids were having fun at the class, moving and playing with much joy. They didn't look like they got bored.

This is the startup screenshot of the soon-to-come Vine Linux 6.0 - the “script” theme from the Plymouth graphical boot animation.

To tell the truth I have been always wondering, why the progress bar on the boot-up screen looks like this. The progress bar is placed on the black background - the border is drawn in white colour - so the which is the progress bar itself, black one, or white one?

Seems like the “script” theme itself adopts black-coloured bar as a progress bar itself. So the following screenshot means that the boot-up process is now about 20% complete:

But don't you think it a bit strange? Sometimes do you see this as “the progress bar coming from the right side, now approximately 80% complete” or something?

I believe, in this example (black background, progress bar with white border), the following screenshot should represents “approximately 20% complete” far better:

If the latter one is still ambiguous, how about the following example whose border colour and the progress bar colour is bit different? I like this much better IMHO.

What would you think? Am I the only one who think it different?

This change can be easily done by editing the following png files:


And don't forget to execute “sudo /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --mkinitrd --depmod --install (kernel_version)” (kernel_version = 2.6.35-18vl6 for example) to take effect.

P.S. 2
Soon after this article was published, I noticed other Vine members were talking on the IRC channel about changing the default Plymouth theme from Script to Spinfinity - okay, okay - that's another solution to avoid the Script theme...

P.S. 3
Then here's yet another canditate from Daisuke-san - looking good. The very best IMHO. Now we can clearly distinguish the progress bar itself - no confusion here.

digikam can't compile on the current version of VineSeed (development/unstable version of Vine Linux, and soon-to-be Vine Linux 6.0).

I found the following lines on the CMakeLists.txt in the digikam source code:

# Extract version of libjpeg so that we can use the appropriate dir
# See bug #227313, #228483
FILE(READ "${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}/jpeglib.h" jpeglib_h_content)
STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define +JPEG_LIB_VERSION +([0-9]+).*" "\\1" jpeglib_version "${jpeglib_h_content}")
MESSAGE(STATUS "Identified libjpeg version: ${jpeglib_version}")

IF ("${jpeglib_version}" LESS 80)
ELSE ("${jpeglib_version}" LESS 80)
ENDIF ("${jpeglib_version}" LESS 80)

while on the other hand VineSeed now has libjpeg-turbo instead of the ancient libjpeg6b.

jpeglib.h from libjpeg-turbo does NOT have the line starting from #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION: instead the declaration is in another header file jconfig.h like this:


So the trivial hack (until the upstream fix this tiny issue) is like this:

--- digikam-1.9.0/CMakeLists.txt.orig   2011-02-28 05:16:18.000000000 +0900
+++ digikam-1.9.0/CMakeLists.txt        2011-06-08 14:10:15.000000000 +0900
@@ -153,7 +153,9 @@
 # Extract version of libjpeg so that we can use the appropriate dir
 # See bug #227313, #228483
-FILE(READ "${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}/jpeglib.h" jpeglib_h_content)
+# VINE: better check jconfig.h in place of jpeglib.h on libjpeg-turbo
+# FILE(READ "${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}/jpeglib.h" jpeglib_h_content)
+FILE(READ "${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}/jconfig.h" jpeglib_h_content)
 STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define +JPEG_LIB_VERSION +([0-9]+).*" "\\1" jpeglib_version "${jpeglib_h_content}")
 MESSAGE(STATUS "Identified libjpeg version: ${jpeglib_version}")


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