音ノ感ジ - コンナ気分ノ音

[V6-8743 Front Cover]
Leonard Feather Presents The Sound of Feeling (and the sound of Oliver Nelson)
(Verve V6-8743)

しかしまあ,Leonard Feather 翁は,いかなるところにも首を突っ込みますな.B面の Oliver Nelson アレンジのいつもの感じのセッションはさておき,A面はあの The Sound Of Feeling でっせ.

It's really surprising to see the name of Mr. Leonard Feather even on such an album... Side-B features that Oliver Nelson orchestra, but Side-A's featured artists are that Sound Of Feeling, whom I hardly believe Leonard Feather got interested in.

[V6-8743 Label]

で,問題の A面.ヴォーカリーズといえば聴こえはいいですが,かなり「あの時代」風なフリーキーでかつ幻想的なスキャット.それに Oliver Nelson の (一聴フリーキーなんやけどやっぱり理路整然とした) ソプラノがねちねちと絡む.私的にはかなりこたえられない好アルバムです.ドラムスの Dick Fisher さんなる人もかなりいい感じで場を盛り上げてはります.

BTW, the A side - some may say this is a kind of “vocalese”, but actually it's a kind of freaky album like an illusion, featuring Oliver Nelson's (also freaky at first listening but turns out to be very logical) also improvisations. That's what's I really come to like. The drummer named Dick Fisher also digs great shots for this chemical mood.

こういうのを A面に配したら,Nelson さんらしい見事なアレンジの B面の分が悪いばかり.いや名うてのミュージシャンを豪華にフィーチャーした B面もいつものように見事な出来なんですけど.

Another nice Side-B by Oliver Nelson orchestra might be at a disadvantage against freaky Side-A. But Side-B is of course innevitable and awesome as always, featuring gorgeous soloists.

この The Sound Of Feeling, 私のコレクターとしてのメインターゲットである Mercury の傍系 Limelight レーベルにもアルバムを残してるんですよね... 電子音楽,アヴァンギャルド,民族音楽,実験音楽なんでもござれの,後期 Limelight は高値のものが多くて,なかなか集まりません.

BTW, The Sound Of Feeling also left an album on Limelight label, a subsidiary of Mercury (which is my primary concern as a vinyl collector)... Limelight label in the late 1960s has unusual titles of Electronic music, Avant-Garte, Mid-East Oriental music, contemporary experimental music etc., most of which are so expensive to obtain. Actually I have few LPs of later Limelight.


Alyce and Rhae Andrece (vocals) with:
Gary David (p, vo, marxophone), Ray Neapolitan (b), Dick Fischer (ds).
guest star: Oliver Nelson (ss).

Ernie Royal, Burt Collins, Joe Newman, Joe Wilder, Clark Terry, Snooky Young, Nat Adderley (tp, flh),
J.J. Johnson, Bob Brookmeyer, Jimmy Cleveland (tb), Tony Studd (b-tb),
Phil Woods, Jerry Dodgion, Jerome Richardson, Zoot Sims, Danny Bank (reeds, woodwinds),
Al Dailey, Hank Jones (p), Eric Gale (g), Ron Carter (b), Grady Tate (ds),
Phil Kraus, Bobby Rosengarden (perc),
Oliver Nelson (arr, cond).



You wanted want to sell your copy or send me a wav file of the album, would you? After almost 40 years, mine is almost played through to the other side!


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