1971年、イタリアでの収録とされる尊師 ミスター・ブラウン (James Brown) の白黒映像は、以前からその存在が知られていましたが、最近になって、そのほぼ完全版(当時テレビ放送されたもの)があちらこちらで流通しているようです。しかし、その映像の(巷で言われている)収録日に疑問があります。
There have been some famous B/W films of The Godfather Of Soul James Brown here and there, although not complete, supposedly shot in Italy, 1971. And recently I found the complete version (as it was aired on TV at that time) circulating on the Internet. However, the recorded date of these films, as spread in the public, poses a question.
![[James Brown in Italy 1971]](https://microgroove.jp/img/JamesBrownInItaly1971.jpg)
There are two distinctive footage available. The one is a studio live performance on a certain TV program, and the other is an edited film of a concert.
TV Show “Teatro 10”, RAI-TV, Italy, 1971
スタジオライブの方は、「Teatro 10」というテレビ番組のものです。放送時間に制限のあるテレビ番組内での生演奏のため、全体的にコンパクトにまとめていますが、それにしてもこの末恐ろしいカタルシス。1971年、ブーツィー・コリンズ (William “Bootsy” Collins) とキャットフィッシュ・コリンズ (Phelps “Catfish” Collins) 脱退直前の、バンドとして完成しつくされた完璧な姿がそこにあります。1969年後半のバンド(メイシオ・パーカー在籍時)と、1971年前半のバンド(コリンズ兄弟在籍時)は、尊師JBの長いキャリアの中で、群を抜いて完成し尽くされた2つの音楽的ピークでしょう。
The former one, studio live on TV, is from the TV program “Teatro 10”. The length of the entire show is somewhat short, probably because of the air time limitation – Mr. Brown and his band plays each tune very compact, but the whole energy is the bomb! It’s definitely the near-perfect state of the band, featuring William “Bootsy” Collins and Phelps “Catfish” Collins, both of whom was going to leave the band shortly. In Mr. Brown’s long long carrer, two periods – the band of late 1969 (featuring Maceo Parker), and the band of early 1971 (featuring the Collins brothers) – are two distinctive creative peaks with ultimate perfection, superbad energy and avant-garde music.
このスタジオライブは、巷では 1971年4月24日収録、とされているようですが、それは絶対にありえません。コリンズ兄弟は、1971年3月8日〜9日のパリはオランピア劇場でのライブの直後に脱退しているからです。また、脱退後の新メンバー(チーズ・マーティン、フレッド・トーマスなど)による初録音(Escape-Ism)は、1971年4月8日に行われています。
Some sources say this TV performance was filmed on April 24, 1971, but it can’t be possible. Collins brothers did quit Mr. Brown’s band in March 1971, soon after the legendary “Love Power Peace” live in Paris, March 8-9, 1971. Furthermore, Mr. Brown recorded the very first tune (Escape-Ism) with the new members (including Cheese Martin and Fred Thomas) on April 8, 1971.
なお、パリライブは、当時リリース予定だった3枚組LP「Love Power Peace」(King SLP-1137)としては未発表に終わったものの、1992年になって別テイク・別編集・別ミックスによる1枚もののCD(Polydor 314 513 389-2)として 初リリース され、ファンを狂喜乱舞させたことも記憶に新しいところです。
BTW the Paris concert was initially scheduled as a triple LP album (King SLP-1137) but unreleased; then in 1992, one CD (Polydor 314 513 389-2) of the same album title with different mix, different edits, different takes was finally released, and all JB fans danced for joy like crazy.
I suppose “April 24th” was the day this TV program was aired for the first time. And the real date was sometime from late February to early March, before the band toured Paris, France – this would be highly probable.
で、ここまで書いたあとに、念のために ハリー・ワインガーさん (Harry Winger) にメールで問い合わせしてみたところ、やはりそれで正解のようでした。
HW: 4月24日ってのはまぁ間違いだね。その日付は、恐らく初回放送日ではないかな。1971年3月2日、つまりパリライブの前、イタリアの RAI-TV という局の番組 Teatro 10 用に収録されたものだね。収録場所はローマかミラノのどちらなのか、いまだに謎が残っている、とアラン・リーズ (Alan Leeds) が言ってるよ。
とのことでした。ということで 1971年3月2日 収録で決定、これでスッキリしました(笑)。ハリーさん、情報ありがとうございます。
Just after I wrote the lines above, I sent an e-mail to Mr. Harry Weinger to make sure if my guess was correct – and it turned out to be.
HW: Hi – those dates are certainly wrong; they are perhaps air dates. The one from the TV show was filmed March 2, 1971 – before the Paris date – for a RAI-TV show called Teatro 10. Alan Leeds says “there is a discrepancy whether it was shot in Milan or Rome.”
So this TV program was filmed on March 2, 1971 – now I feel so refreshed! So many thanks for the info, Harry-san!
Intro: Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
Soul Power
Get Up, Get Into It, Get Involved
Outro: Sunny
Darryl “Hasaan” Jamison (tp), Clayton “Chicken” Gunnells (tp),
Fred Wesley (tb),
St. Clair Pinckney (ts),
Phelps “Catfish” Collins (g), Hearlon “Cheese” Martin (g),
William “Bootsy” Collins (el-b),
John “Jabo” Starks (ds), Don Juan “Tiger” Martin (ds),
Bobby Byrd (vo, org),
James Brown (ldr, vo, org),
Recorded/filmed for RAI-TV show “Teatro 10”
in Milano? Rome?, Italy
on March 2, 1971.
First aired (probably) on April 24, 1971.
Live at Palasport, Bologna, Italy, 1971
もう1本のライブ映像は、やはりイタリアのボローニャにあるパラスポルトという会場で収録されたもの。ライブをノーカットで収録したものではなく、テレビ放送用に編集されたもののようで、途中で女性アナウンサー (Martitia Palmer さん) が出てきたりします。しかし内容はやはり末恐ろしい完成度。こんなのもし現場で生で見てたら間違いなく失神・失禁ものですよ。。。
The other B/W footage was filmed at the Palasport, Bologna, Italy. Not an unedited & complete performance on the stage, but edited certainly for TV broadcast. As a matter of fact, you see the female announcer/presenter (Miss Martitia Palmer) appearing at the desk during the footage. Anyway the performance here is superb, again. I would go crazy and would be stupefied for sure, if I was watching live in the stadium!
This stage, again, is said it was in April or August 1971 – but again, this can’t be possible. The performance, the arrangement, the look – everything looks the very similar to the above “Teatro 10” TV performance. This should be in late February to early March as well.
こちらについては、David Mainwood さんという方のブログ にて、なんとあのジャズベーシスト、クリスチャン・マクブライド さん(熱烈なJBマニア&リサーチャーでも知られていますね)が、「このライブが実際に行われたのは 1971年3月3日 だ。4月なんかではない。」とコメントされていますね。これが正解でしょう。マクブライドさん、貴重な情報ありがとうございます!
Then I found a blog entry by David Mainwood, and I was so amazed to find the comment by that Christian McBride (who is well known as a hardcore JB freak and a JB researcher), which says: “This show was actually March 3rd, 1971. Not April.” – yes, yes, yes, it’s correct – thank you so much for the precious info, McBride-san! (FYI, just in case you don’t know – “-san” is a very popular suffix in Japan, to express warm heart, respect, friendship, consideration for elders, etc.)
Soul Power (narration overdubbed)
Get Up, Get Into It, Get Involved (narration overdubbed)
(interruption by female announcer at desk)
Introduction / Brother Rapp
Ain't It Funky Now
(narration overdubbed)
Interlude / Feel So Good Alright
Bobby Byrd: I Need Help (I Can't Do It Alone)
(Emcee by Bobby Byrd)
(interruption by female announcer at desk)
There Was A Time
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine
Papa's Got A Brand New Bag / I Got You (I Feel Good) / I Got The Feelin'
Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose
It's A Man's Man's Man's World
Please, Please, Please (narration overdubbed)
Super Bad
Get Up, Get Into It, Get Involved (end roll)
Darryl “Hasaan” Jamison (tp), Clayton “Chicken” Gunnells (tp),
Fred Wesley (tb),
St. Clair Pinckney (ts),
Phelps “Catfish” Collins (g), Hearlon “Cheese” Martin (g),
William “Bootsy” Collins (el-b),
John “Jabo” Starks (ds), Don Juan “Tiger” Martin (ds),
Bobby Byrd (vo, org),
James Brown (ldr, vo, org),
Recorded/filmed live in concert at Palasport, Bologna, Italy
on March 3, 1971.
et cetra
Personally, I love the Mr. Brown and his band in the period from 1969 to March 1970 the best – insanely superb chemistry of the poly-rhythmic kaleidoscope, drums, bass, horn section, Mr. Brown’s shout and dance equally play important role each other. On the other hand, Mr. Brown’s another great period (March 1970 to March 1971) featuring the Collins brothers, sometimes rely heavily on Bootsy’s heavy rolling bass and Catfish’s ‘convulsing’ guitar cuttings, making the importance of the horn section and the drums somewhat lower than that of the preceding period. Anyway, don’t you think we are very fortunate now that we can watch the footages of Mr. Brown with the Collins brothers, which were very hard to find in the past? (or we didn’t even know the existence)
(こちらは1971年3月8日、パリでのライブ / Live In Paris, March 8, 1971)
最後に、先程出てきたクリスチャン・マクブライド氏(もちろん、この方の作品もむっちゃ大好きです)、いかに敬虔な JB 信者であるか読み取れるページを紹介しておきます。
Last of all, here’s the link to the web pages, both shows how Mr. McBride loves, respects and admires Mr. Brown (and his music). I so much love your music too of course, McBride-san!
- Christian McBride: My Thang: James Brown Shows (November 2011, christianmcbride.com)
- James Brown by Christian McBride (March 2007, jazztimes.com)