LP というメディアに飢えている 私にとって、新譜が CD と LP で同時にリリースされているジャンルというのは本当に有り難いものです。いわゆる ポストロック や エレクトロニカ というジャンルもその 1つですが、私が他のジャンルでそうする様には、体系的な知識やアーティストについての情報に全く疎く、いつも購入する際には一種の勘と言うか、ジャケットを手に取った時の第一印象というか、そういうトリガーでもって買う事が多いのがなんとも。
For me, who always has thirst for vinyl media itself, musical categories/genres on which both LP and CD releases are constantly provided are very innevitable and gratefully appreciated. Post-Rock and Electronica applies to such categories. However, unlike other musical categories such as Rock, Jazz, R&B, Soul and Classical, I don’t have any systematic knowledge about musicians and the scene of Post-Rcok / Electronica, and that’s why I always pick up and buy LP albums by a kind of inspiration and instinct when I saw the jacket cover itself.
さて、このテのジャンルのアルバムなんですが、現在進行形であるせいもあってか、あるいは私の音楽的嗜好が旧時代人に属するためか、玉石混合といいますか、何度も聞き返す程気に入るアルバムになかなか出会えずにいます。それでも、1年に 2〜3枚は「ををっ」という感動を与えてくれ、愛聴盤として頻繁にターンテーブルにのるアルバムに出会うことが出来ます。ここに紹介するアルバム (2004年リリースですが購入したのは2005年初頭でした) もそんな 1枚です。
By the way, it’s very difficult for to encounter spine-chilling great albums on such musical genres (either because Post-Rock and Electronica is an on-going “present progressive” scene, or because my musical taste is just too old…). Still, I could happen to meet two or three great albums a year. This album (obtained in early 2005, but firstly released in 2004) is such an album for me – the disc often sits on my turntable nowadays.
![[ABR-0043 Front Cover]](/img/ABR0043_F.jpg)
![[ABR-0043 Back Cover]](/img/ABR0043_B.jpg)
お恥ずかしい話ですが、このアルバムを買う決め手になったのは、ジャケット裏の (収録曲それぞれをイメージした) イラストレーションでした。今思えばきっと Beach Boys の幻のアルバム “Smile” に添付されるはずだったブックレットのイラストに通じるセンスを感じたんでしょうね。もちろん、購入する時点では Dosh なんてミュージシャンについてもこのアルバムについても何ら予備知識はありませんでした。
It might be a bit shameful but I bought this LP album just because the illustrations (inspired by every track on the album) on the back cover moved me a lot. Thinking of the instinct, I guess I felt similar flavours and feelings as the illustrations on the booklet of never-released album “Smile” by the Beach Boys. Of course, at the time of buying the “Pure Trash” album, I knew nothing about the album and the musician Dosh.
![[ABR-0043 Side-A]](/img/ABR0043A.jpg)
![[ABR-0043 Side-B]](/img/ABR0043B.jpg)
収録されている楽曲も、このジャンルは門外漢の私ですら十二分に楽しめる極上のものばかり。A面レーベルのクレジットによると、基本的には、Martin Dosh さん自身が 2002年から2004年にかけて録り貯めたフラグメントをベースにしてサンプリングしたり生演奏をかぶせたりして再構築されたものですが、この人のセンスには本当に脱帽です。Dosh さんご自身がドラマーでありキーボーディストでもある、という事に関係するのかも知れませんが、リズム感の構築っぷりが素晴らしい ということに尽きます。
This album is definitely a masterpiece, laying out beautiful sonic landscapes backed by amazing percussion/beats – every track is very attractive and interesting even for me who is a stranger on such kind of musical scene. According to the credit found on the A-side label, most of the tracks were based on the musical fragments were recorded by Martin Dosh from Jan. 2002 to Jun. 2004, and Dosh sampled and mixed the fragments with instrumental performances. Every time I listen to this album, I cannot help admiring his musical artistry – the most impressive point is that his inimitable sense of rhythm construction.
どの楽曲も、単調で退屈なピコピコリズムではなく、一聴無機質な電子的サウンドでありながら、リズムのうねりが実に生き生きとしています。それと同時に、必然性のあるローファイサウンドとアコースティックな響きの合わせ方が美しい。ローファイに潰れたリズムボックスの音とうねうねしたフェンダーローズのメロディにかぶさる子供用グロッケンシュピールのきらびやかな響きといったら! リズムセンスに優れ、同時にフラグメントを有機的に再構築できる能力を兼ね備えたミュージシャンであるといえそうです。
Actually, every track has lively and warm stream of poly-rhythm, although the most fragments were performed by electronic instruments. At the same time, this album is full of beautiful mixture of Lo-FI beats and Hi-Fi acoustic reververations. What a thrilling sound, brilliant tone of Glockenspiel (for children), with distorted sound of looped drumbeats and undulating Fender-Rose melodies overdubbed! The musician Dosh should be a very talented person with great rhythmic sense, with marvellous ability of re-constructing musical fragments into a complete track.
Martin Dosh の息子さん (Naoise Bird Mandela Dosh) の可愛い声がサンプリングされ、奥さんのイラストレーションが裏ジャケを飾る。家庭の幸せそうな雰囲気までもが伝わってきそうな素敵なアルバムです。
The pretty voice of Martin Dosh’s recently-born son (Naoise Bird Mandela Dosh) is sampled and used on several tracks, while Martin’s wife Erin contributed the childlike illustrations (found on the back cover of the LP cover) after listening to the album’s 12 tunes. Again, this is a great album which even shows happiness and warm atmosphere of the family.
A-2 Dark Lord Of Rhodes
A-3 This Is When Things Were Loking Up (Erin spoke)
A-4 Rock It To The Next Episode (The Original Five spoke, sang, and played with a 4 track, Jel played a drum break, Odd Nosdam played a drum break)
A-5 Bye Rhodsy (Erin spoke, Jon Flower played bass)
A-6 I Think I’m Getting Married (Bryan Olson played guitar, Michael Lewis played saxophone, Andrew Fog Broder played trumpet)
B-1 Bring The Happiness
B-2 Geye (Jel played a drum break)
B-3 Naoise (Jel played a drumbreak, Odd Nosdam played some records, Josiah Wolf played bass, Fadhg Bolen spoke)
B-4 Pure Trash (Andrew played guitar, DJ Celine Dijon played some records)
B-5 Building A Strange Child (Andrew played guitar, DJ Celine Dijon played a record)
B-6 The Last Plan (Naoise Bird Mandela Dosh spoke, Jel played a drum break at the end)
All other samples and sounds were made by Martin Dosh.
Most of this was recorded by Martin Dosh in his basement between Jan. 2002 and June 2004,
additional recording was done by Ben Durrant.
Mixed by Martin Dosh with Ben Durrant at Crazybeast Studio.
Mastered by Tom Herbers
Artwork by Erin Dosh
Layout by Wes Winship for Burlesave
Coverprincess by Brigid Duffy (age 4)