Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 0
Following is just the beginning of the long series of the study I have been doing for a while, regarding the controversial topic “Phono EQ Curves” – people having various opinions on it, although many of them are subjective and not scientifical. I started the study and research of the history of disc recording as a whole, from the very early electrical disc recording technology in the 1920s.
我が家では15年ほど前から、78rpm や非RIAA LP用に Esoteric Sound (Rek-o-kut) Re-Equalizer という簡易式アドオン型フォノイコライザを使用しています。実は昨年、Re-Equalizer III という最新バージョンに置き換えたのですが。
Since 2006, I’ve been using Esoteric Sound (Rek-o-kut) Re-Equalizer (actually I replaced it with the most recent version Re-Equalizer III in 2021) for 78rpms and pre-RIAA LPs. It’s a niche phono EQ compensator.

Esoteric Sound Re-Equalizer III (above), bought in 2021
Esoteric Sound Re-Equalizer (bottom), bought in 2006