![[Satchmo Fest 2004]](https://microgroove.jp/shaolin/img/SatchmoFest2004.png)
2004年 7月19日月曜日. 昨年の第二十三回 からはや一年.今年も参加してきました,サッチモ祭. 会場は去年と全く同じ 恵比寿麦酒記念館, 出場メンツも基本的に同一.
Sunday, July 19th, 2004. Just one year has passed since I took part in the 23th annual Satch-Mo Festival last year. And here it comes again. I went to Ebisu Beer Hall to join the 24th Fest – the same place, the same performers out there.
去年におおよそ全演奏を聴いて十二分に堪能したので,今年は Jimmie Smith さんだけに狙いを定めて 16時半頃に会場入り.会場外の喫煙コーナーで,葉巻をくゆらせる Jimmie さんを発見したので,挨拶と昨年の感想を伝えたのち,写真を一緒に撮ってもらいました.
Since I listened to almost all performances last year and I was enough, this year I decided to concentrate on Mr. Jimmie Smith‘s performance. I arrived at the fest about 4:30 PM, and I found Jimmie-san sittin’ and smokin’ a cigar. I stepped forward to him and exchanged greetings, told him about my impressions of his performances last year, then I asked him to take a picture with him. And here’s it:
会場に入ると,アマチュアバンド 9組目 ハイタイム・ローラーズ の演奏が行われているところでした.観客の皆さんも楽しんでいる様子.
Then I stepped inside the hall – the 9th amateur band High Time Rollers was playing a good-old Dixie music. I felt everybody in the hall was really enjoying the atmosphere.
続く 10組目 ニューオーリンズ・ノーティーズ.この辺りから観客も増えだしました.ゴキゲンな演奏が続きます.
Then the next band – the 10th amateur band New Orleans Naughties – started to swing. The crowds were growin’ and the band was playing very swingy tracks.
ここで20分の休憩.ニューオーリンズの子供達に楽器を送るための募金を兼ねて,マーチングバンドが会場を隅から隅まで練り歩きます.もちろん Jimmie さんも.スネア一発だけでここまで重く,太く,鋭いリズムが叩き出せるのは本当に奇跡的です.とにかく会場は更に盛り上がります.外山喜雄 さんも先頭にたってバスドラを叩いてはりました.
Then 20 minutes of intermission – marching band parades every nook and corner in the hall for a donation to New Orleans’ children to give them instruments. Of course Jimmie-san was in the marching band, and it is always surprising that he can create very heavy, bold and sharp rhythms with a single snare drum. The audiences got more exited at the marching band. Mr. Yoshio Toyama was leading the entire band, playing a bass drum.
ここで一旦外へ.いつもの音楽関係の知合いの皆さんが歓談されてました.左が出口さん (驚異のプレモダンジャズ研究家),右が山中さん (正に日本のジャズ史の生き字引ともいえる御方).
After a while I went out of the hall for a break. My musical friends and acquaintances were there and enjoyed chatting. The left is Deguchi-san, an awesome pre-modern jazz researcher, and the right is Yamanaka-san, a true walking dictionary of Japanese Jazz legend.
The below photo captures almost all of our members on the fest – Yamanaka-san (front left), Deguchi-san (front right), Wakabayashi-san (middle left), Yanagisawa-san (middle right), Deguchi-san’s daughter (the very middle). Back three are Deguchi-san’s wife and her friends.
その他,写真には収まっておりませんが,驚異の SP コレクター 瀬谷 さん も奥さんとお嬢さんと 3人で来られていました.
Seya-san, a famous master of 78rpm collector, also came to the fest with his wife and his daughter, although they are not captured on the above picts.
そして本日のお目あて 外山喜雄とディキシーセインツ フィーチャリング Jimmie Smith の時間.昨年と全く変わらぬ重く的確でかつノセまくる円熟のドラムスは毎度感服.ベースの藤崎さんも結構 4ビートっぽいフレーズを弾かれることもあって,ディキシーのアンサンブルにこのモダンなリズム,実に自然にブレンドしています.何よりこのバンド,お客を乗せるのが本当にうまい!
And it was time for Yoshio Toyama and Dixie Saints featuring Jimmie Smith. Mr. Jimmy Smith’s drumming was always propulsive, steady and really driving. As the bassist Fujisaki-san played rather four-beat-driven phrases, this rhythm section really made a fine blend with Dixieland-style ensemble. And furthermore, this band really swings! They can easily entertain the audiences so much.