私がここ暫く Plays Monk ものにドップリ浸っている一方、5歳の娘は最近ある曲に熱狂的にハマっています。
I’ve been exploring the vast world of “Plays Monk” by various musicians (as you see on my previous posts here), while my five-years-old daughter fell deeply in love with one particular song.
1914年、Lew Pollack 作曲、Ray Gilbert 作詞のスタンダードナンバー、「That’s A Plenty」です。
The song is “That’s A Plenty”, an old standard tune written by Lew Pollack and Ray Gilbert in 1914.
![[That's A Plenty Cover]](https://microgroove.jp/img/Thats_A_Plenty_Cover.jpg)
(私のお下がりの)娘の iPhone には、現時点で32バージョン(一部同一演奏の重複あり)の「That’s A Plenty」が同期されており、毎日何度も何度も聴いたり歌ったり弾いたりして楽しんでいます。
Her iPhone (handed down from me) always contains many versions of “That’s A Plenty” (32 versions so far) – she enjoys this number so much, listening to it, humming along with it, playing it on keyboards, etc.
![[That's A Plenty]](https://microgroove.jp/img/ThatsAPlenty.jpg)
娘がハマる直接のきっかけは、2013年3月10日、近所の小学校の金管バンド倶楽部定期演奏会でした。定期演奏会の前に、なんと、中川喜弘&ディキシーサミット の演奏が聴けるというので、これは是非、と思って小学校に向かったのでした。
It was March 10, 2013 when she firstly met the song (and fell in love with it) – an annual recital by an elementary school brass band was held at the gymnasium of the school, and I thought we would go there, as I knew there was also a demonstrational performance by the professional Jazz musicians, Yoshihiro Nakagawa & Dixie Summit.
![[Yoshihiro Nakagawa & Dixie Summit]](https://microgroove.jp/img/20130310_130511_DSC6627.jpg)
メンバーは中川喜弘 (tp)、中川英二郎 (tb)、後藤雅広 (cl)、青木研 (bjo)、家中勉 (tuba)、日高広 (ds)。特に中川英二郎さんと青木研さんの参加が個人的には大変嬉しく、広い体育館の真ん中で、かぶりつきで名人芸を拝聴できたのは感激でした。青木さんはガーシュインの「Rhapsody In Blue」をなんとバンジョーソロで演奏して下さり、もう垂涎もの。
Members included Yoshihiro Nakagawa (tp), Eijiro Nakagawa (tb), Masahiro Goto (cl), Ken Aoki (bjo), Tsutomu Ienaka (tuba) and Hiroshi Hidaka (ds). Personally the performance by the two masters, Eijiro Nakagawa and Ken Aoki, was the most amazing to listen to. Aoki-san even peformed Gershwin’s “Rhapsody In Blue” in unaccompanied banjo solo!
![[Yoshihiro Nakagawa & Dixie Summit]](https://microgroove.jp/img/20130310_132148_DSC6691.jpg)
「…まず最初に演奏しますのは、もっとも有名なジャズの曲です…」と中川喜弘さんがマイクで説明したあと演奏されたのが、「That’s A Plenty」でした。模範的かつスリリングな、ホントにいい演奏でした。
The first tune they played in front of hundreds of kids and parents, with a preliminary statement by Yoshihiro-san “…the first tune we’re gonna play is, probably, one of the most famous Dixieland standards…” was “That’s A Plenty” – a very standard, very exemplary, very enjoyable performance it really was!
![[Yoshihiro Nakagawa & Dixie Summit]](https://microgroove.jp/img/20130310_130554_DSC6633.jpg)
My daughter, who was sitting straight on a gymnastic mat while listening to the professional performance, told me her impression: “I love the first number! Real trumpet sound, and real trombone sound, both were really wonderful! But I was surprised because the sound was too loud!“
それから10日後、自転車でお散歩中に「That’s A Plenty」を鼻歌で歌うほど気に入っていました。
Just ten days after the recital, she was humming a melody of “That’s A Plenty” while riding a bicycle! She really fell in love with this old tune!
そこで、手持ちの CD や LP をゴソゴソ探して、あれこれ古今東西の「That’s A Plenty」を聴かせてみることにしました。残念ながら、同曲はうちの数少ない SP コレクションの中からは見つかりませんでした。
So I started looking for various “That’s A Plenty” from my own CD/LP collection (unfortunately I don’t have any ”That’s A Plenty” in my 78 rpm collection…), and I thought I wanted to let her listen to them.
(continued to the next entry…)
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