
That’s A Plenty! (Part 2)

娘が生まれて初めて「That’s A Plenty」を聴いてからはや3ヶ月。未だにこの楽曲に飽きる気配はみせません。クルマで移動中は、かならず That’s A Plenty プレイリストの再生をせがみますし、最近購入したディジタルピアノでも That’s A Plenty の Aメロ Bメロを嬉々として弾き、自転車でお散歩中も鼻歌でメロディを歌う毎日です。

It’s been three months since my daughter knew that old standard tune “That’s A Plenty”, and she never lost interest to this song: she always ask me to play the playlist (on my iPhone) containing various versions of “That’s A Plenty”; she loves to play A melody and B melody of that tune with her new digital piano; she still hums the tune while she rides on her bicycle outside.

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That’s A Plenty! (Part 1)

私がここ暫く Plays Monk ものにドップリ浸っている一方、5歳の娘は最近ある曲に熱狂的にハマっています。

I’ve been exploring the vast world of “Plays Monk” by various musicians (as you see on my previous posts here), while my five-years-old daughter fell deeply in love with one particular song.


1914年、Lew Pollack 作曲、Ray Gilbert 作詞のスタンダードナンバー、「That’s A Plenty」です。

The song is “That’s A Plenty”, an old standard tune written by Lew Pollack and Ray Gilbert in 1914.

[That's A Plenty Cover]

(私のお下がりの)娘の iPhone には、現時点で32バージョン(一部同一演奏の重複あり)の「That’s A Plenty」が同期されており、毎日何度も何度も聴いたり歌ったり弾いたりして楽しんでいます。

Her iPhone (handed down from me) always contains many versions of “That’s A Plenty” (32 versions so far) – she enjoys this number so much, listening to it, humming along with it, playing it on keyboards, etc.

[That's A Plenty]

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