前回の記事 が公式アカウントでも紹介され、たくさんの方にアクセスをいただきました。ありがとうございます。(念の為、HumminGuru の会社からのアフィリエイトなどは全くありません。個人の興味で勝手に紹介しているだけです 笑)
My previous review post has been featured by HumminGuru official account on Facebook and Twitter – so many visiters have read my post – thank you so much. (FYI, these posts are NOT affiliated by HumminGuru and its company – I’m posting these just for fun)
また YouTube 動画には「クリーニングの前後でどのくらい音が変わるのか聴かせて欲しい」といったコメントをいただきました。
Also, my YouTube video received such comment as: “please upload the video of the sound difference, before and after the HumminGuru cleaning”.
そこで、特定のレコード 2枚を題材に、HumminGuru クリーニング前、そしてクリーニング後の音を比較する動画を作ってみました。
So, this time I created another YouTube videos, to test the sound before/after the HumminGuru cleaning.
Contents / 目次
First of all, I have to say the audio of the following YouTube videos are NOT captured “patched” directly in line.
ライン録音をするための ADC/DAC を持っていたのですが、現在友人に貸し出してしまっているため、今回は ZOOM Q2n-4K による空気録音で行いました。ご了承ください。
I have a AD/DA converter, but now I lend the unit to a friend of mine. So this time I recorded the video/audio with ZOOM Q2n-4K. Thanks for understanding.

レコードその1: 1958年のイージーリスニングLP
クリーニング前後で音がどれくらい変わるか、を聴き比べをするためには、 (1) 新品ではなく中古レコード、 (2) 買ってから他社クリーニンググッズ等でいちどもクリーニングしていない、そんな盤が適切でしょう。
In order to try comparative listening tests, I have to find records that are (1) not new, but used, and (2) never cleaned by other cleaning liquid nor goods.
しかし、うちにある中古レコードは、買ったら ゼロダスト LP レイザー などですぐにクリーニングしているものがほとんどです。記憶をたどりながら、数少ない「全くクリーニングされていない」中古レコードを何枚か探し出しました。
However, when I buy used records, I always do instant hand cleaning with zero dust LP raiser liquid or the likes. So I have to find “used” and “not cleaned yet” records in my collection. And here is one of them.

Better Layton Than Ever / Eddie Layton
(Mercury SR-60031)
Recorded in 1958
The disc looks clean – no major surface scuffs nor scratches – but some dust and dirt visible. This particular copy might be “virtually unplayed for 63 years”.
もともと盤質が悪くなかったこともあってか、YouTube では違いが分かりにくいかもしれませんが、細かいパチノイズやサーフェスノイズは明らかに減り、なにより音の歪みが抑えられ、非常にいい方向に音が変化しています。ヘッドフォンなどで聴かれるとよく分かると思います。
YouTube video may not be the good way of comparative listening, but I instantly noticed less clicks/pops, less surface noise. Also, the distortion is virtually eliminated and it surely sounds better. Listening this with decent headphones may make you notice the difference quite easily.
レコードその2: 1985年のブラジルMPBレコード
The other LP is a Brazilian MPB album, released back in 1985. The outer sleeve is mildly worn with discolourlation, and the disc itself looks like it had been played so many times in the past.

O Corsário do Rei / Various Artists
(Som Livre 530.012)
Released in 1985
サーフェスノイズやプチノイズの軽減が分かりやすいように、あえて無音部を中心に録音してみました。A-1 終わりから続けて A-2 冒頭までの録音による比較です。
In order to make it comprehensive/easy to hear the difference, this video include the silent “gap” part between two songs. Ending part of track A-1, followed by a silent gap part, then the opening of track A-2. Now you can clearly hear clicks/pops and surface noise even with built-in spakers on PC.
You can hear that clips, pops, and surface noise are greatly reduced. Also you may notice the distortion (in loud passages) are greatly eliminated.
Now enjoy!
コスパは素晴らしい / Good “Value for Maney”
There are various kinds of vinyl record cleaners and cleaning methods, tools and machines in the market.
Please note that I am NOT trying to write here which is the best. Anyway, release of yet another Ultrasonic Recording Cleaning Machine AT A FAIR/REASONABLE price (unlike other ultrasonic cleaners in the market that costs nearly 10 times or even more) is very meaningful to us music lovers / record collectors.
Previously, most ultrasonic cleaners are way expensive for ordinary people. But now, we have yet another (and the cheapest) ultrasonic record cleaner coming to the market, and we now can have yet another candidates which one we choose.