
ME-7: Um Senhor Talento / Sérgio Ricardo

2004年頃に ME-10 “Nara Leão” を入手して以来、一時期 ELENCO レーベルのオリジナル盤 の蒐集にハマっていましたが、アロイージオ・ヂ・オリヴェイラ時代のLPのうち7割ほど揃ったところで2014年頃に小休止してしまっていました。

Since I acquired ME-10 “Nara Leão”, I had been obsessed with collecting original Brazilian LP issues of ELENCO label – but in 2014 I decided to take a short break. I have collected approximately 70% of the entire Aloysio de Oliveira catalog.

ここ最近、久しぶりに ELENCO 作品を LP や CD、ストリーミングで聴き込み直していたのですが、そういえばうちにある ME-7 ってセカンドプレスだったなぁ、15年ほど前は比較的適価で入手できてたけど、最近はあまり eBay でも見かけないし、値段もあがってるんやろうなぁ、と、ふと検索をかけたら、茨城県にある Paddy Field RECORDS という中古レコード店に ME-7 のファーストプレスの在庫があるのを見つけ、嬉しくなってオーダーしちゃいました。

Recently I often listen again to those ELENCO recordings, with LPs, CDs, streaming, etc., when I remembered that the copy of ME-7 I have was “second pressing”. Hmmm, 15 years ago vintage ELENCO LPs could be found at fair price with some lock, but I seldom see ELENCO listings on eBay or the likes – I guess the price now might be much higher these days… Then I googled some, and out of nowhere I found a used record shop “Paddy Field RECORDS” in Ibaraki, Japan, and the shop stocks the “first pressing” of ME-7. Without hesitation I soon bought the copy online.

[ME-7 Front Cover] [ME-7 Back Cover]

Um Senhor Talento / Sérgio Ricardo
(Elenco [BR] ME-7)
Amazon.co.jp で CD を買う | Buy this CD at Amazon.com
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Night Lights / Gerry Mulligan


On this web site, I have tried not to deal with what is called “definitive masterpiece albums”, but this is an exception – sometimes it’s not bad to see such a famous album here.

( . . . the rest of the English edition of this article will (hopefully) be available in the near future . . . )

[Philips PHM 200-108 Front]      [Philips PHM 200-108 Side-A]

Night Lights / Gerry Mulligan
(Philips [US] PHM 200-108 / PHS 600-108)
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ME-9: Antônio Carlos Jobim

(English edition of this article will be available in the near future, I hope…)

ME-2 “Balançamba” から飛ばして ME-10 “Nara Leão” に行ってしまいましたが、本来の番号順 ME-3 に戻る前にもう1枚、 ME-9Antônio Carlos Jobim にいってみましょう。 以前と同様、 ELENCO Discography からもリンクを張ってあります。

[ME-9 Front Cover] [ME-9 Back Cover]

Antônio Carlos Jobim
(Elenco [BR] ME-9)
Amazon.co.jp で CD を買う | Buy this CD at Amazon.com
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ME-10: Nara Leão

ME-2 “Balançamba” に続く今回は、ちょっと番号を飛ばして ME-10Nara Leão にいってみます。 以前と同様、 ELENCO Discography からもリンクを張ってあります。

Preceded by my previous post on ME-2 “Balançamba”, let’s jump to the tenth ELENCO LP album (ME-10) by Nara Leão this time (ME-3 will be featured on the next update, I hope). As always, please also refer the ELENCO Discography entry.

(本エントリは、私が別の web に 2004年 7月 17日付で掲載していたものを転載後加筆訂正したものです)
(this article was originally made public at my another web site on July 17, 2004)

これが恐らく初めて購入したブラジル盤中古 LPです。あの ナラ・レオン (Nara Leão, 1942-1989) さんの ELENCO レーベルにおけるデビューアルバムです。1963年にリリースされたオリジナルモノーラル盤。

This was the very first Brazilian used LP I ever bought – the debut album (1st issue in 1963, original mono) of Nara Leão (1942-1989) left on the ELENCO label.

ジャケットは恐ろしい程ペラペラ。薄手の無地スリーブに、表と裏の印刷紙を張り合わせただけ。1960年代の日本盤 LP や英国盤にも、薄手の紙で出来たペラジャケがありますが、これはその比ではありません。保管には細心の注意を払わないと傷めてしまいそうです。

The outer sleeve is very fragile and weak – front/back covers (printed on a thin paper) are just glued onto a plain paper sleeve. Old UK LPs (and Japanese LPs) sometimes came with very thin outer sleeves, but this Brazilian sleeve is more fragile and weak – we have to handle old Brazilian sleeves with extreme care to keep them from further damages.

[ME-10 Front Cover] [ME-10 Back Cover]

Nara / Nara Leão
(Elenco [BR] ME-10)
Amazon.co.jp で CD を買う | Buy this CD at Amazon.com
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ME-2: Balançamba / Lúcio Alves

前回 ME-1 “Vinicius & Odette Lara” を紹介しましたが、今回は続く大傑作 (敢えてそう書こう)、 ME-2Lúcio Alves です。 前回同様、 ELENCO Discography からもリンクを張ってあります。

Preceded by my past post on ME-1 “Vinicius & Odette Lara”, here is “the masterpiece” (at least in my humble opinion) – second Elenco LP album (ME-2) by Lúcio Alves. As always, please also refer the ELENCO Discography entry.

[ME-2 Front Cover] [ME-2 Back Cover]
Balançamba / Lúcio Alves
(Elenco [BR] ME-2)
Amazon.co.jp で CD を買う | Buy this CD at Amazon.com
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