![[Bronze Knife Edge for SME 3009-R]](https://microgroove.jp/shaolin/img/SME3009R-BronzeKnifeEdge.jpg)
ということで (?) 以前ここにも書いた サードパーティ製のブロンズナイフエッジその他が本日ドイツより届きました. Analog Tube Audio のハンドメイド.
And then, the bronze knife-edge for SME tonearm has been arrived long way from Germany (see also my previous article.).
3009-R を導入して 約10ヶ月.ブロンズナイフエッジ自体はそんなに高いものではないので,純正のナイロンナイフエッジと交換したらどの位音が変化するか非常に興味がありました.また,ナイロン製とブロンズ製だと,耐久性は比較するまでもありませんし.
It’s been ten months since I bought SME 3009R. Luckily, the 3rd party bronze knife edge itself is not so expensive, and I’ve been interested to know the sound improvements will happen if I replace nylon knife-edge to bronze knife-edge.
The replacement procedure itself is not difficult at all, but you must be very careful not to hurt the slender cable inside the arm pipe. You must also be careful to keep the ground cable and its terminal (both inside the arm pipe) while replacing the knife edge – if only I had four arms! Anyway the replacement is complete with no problem.
I think I will do a sound check tomorrow (or later).
「Knife Edge 交換 (2)」に続く…
Can it be purchased outside of Japan?
Definitely. As a matter of fact, I bought this from a company in Germany. Nothing will prevent you from buying the same product from Indonesia.