つい先日、LP ラック を買い足しました。その際、段ボール箱に入れて保管していたレコードを整理しましたが、ここ数年手にとっていなかった盤を手にとっては、その盤にまつわる個人的な想い出が次々と脳裏をかけめぐり、整理は滞りがちになってしまいました。これもそんな一枚。記憶が正しければ、1994年の夏に大阪日本橋の某中古レコード屋で購入したものです。
The other day I bought yet another LP stocker. After the built of the stocker was complete, I started to readjust my LP collection (stocked in the cardboard boxes) to re-stock in this new stocker. During the procedure, I took every LP in my hand, thinking of very personnal memory with the record from one after another, which prevented me from very smooth task to store the records. This LP is one of them – as far as I remember, I bought this album in the summer of 1994 at a certain shop in Nipponbashi, Osaka.
![[TL-5359 Front Cover]](/img/TL5359_F.jpg)
![[TL-5359 Back Cover]](/img/TL5359_B.jpg)
Autumn ’66 / The Spencer Davis Group
(Fontana TL-5359)
当時はまだ 「Eight Gigs A Week」 (S. Winwood 在籍時音源の2枚組好編集盤CD) もリリースされておらず、せいぜい Island レーベルからのベスト盤 LP/CD と、ドイツリリースの疑似ステレオ編集盤 LP くらいしかなかったわけで、当時大学院生だった私にとっては渇望に近い状態で入手した記憶があります。ちなみに購入価格は 6,800円だったような。レコードコレクターという意識もなく (むしろ安いものを探して買っていたような)、ただただ音楽に飢えていた当時の私にとってはかなり覚悟のいる値段でした。A面レーベルの状態が更に良いもう一枚は、一緒に訪れたバイト先の知り合いが 8,800円で買っていました。
In 1994, there was few Spencer Davis Group’s releases, except the Best album (LP/CD) from Island label and German compilation LPs (in fake stereo), until the release of “Eight Gigs A Week” (a nice 2CD anthology album of S. Winwood era) in 1996. I was a graduate student at the time, and I remember when I bought this LP with much thirst for vinyls. The retail price was 6,800 YEN if my memory is correct. I didn’t think myself as a record collector at all (I rather was an economic music fan who had thirst for every kind of music and tried to buy any records at cheap price). The price 6,800 YEN was so expensive for me as a student, and I needed to make up my mind to buy such expensive LP. BTW, there was another copy (in more mintish condition) at the shop, and a friend of mine who went the shop with me bought the copy at 8,800 YEN.
![[TL-5359 Side-A]](/img/TL5359A.jpg)
![[TL-5359 Side-B]](/img/TL5359B.jpg)
内容については、もはや説明をする必要もないでしょう。3枚あるオリジナルアルバムの中で最も纏まりに優れ、若気の至りだけで突っ走ることもなく大人の雰囲気も出し始めた Steve Winwood の才能が爆発した好アルバムです (A-5 はちょっとまだ若さが垣間見えますが)。A-4, B-4 の Spencer Davis 本人の勘違いヴォーカルも、初めて聴いた時よりは許せるようになってきました。私も年をとったということでしょうかね。
As for the musical content itself, there may be no need for detailed explanation – the best album among their three original albums, with youthful expressions as well as mature artistry of young genius Steve Winwood (although on the track A-5 his singing is still youthful). Spencer Davis’ vocals heard on A-4 and B-4, which I couldn’t stand when I listend to them for the first time) are now acceptable for me – maybe I am getting older.
意外にも、現在のうちのオーディオ装置で聴くのはこれが初めてですが、充分に満足のゆく再生が楽しめます。あまり帯域は欲張らず、イコライジングもそこそこ掛かっていますが、楽曲の良さをバックアップするかの様な音の力強さは、さすがにリマスター CD よりも勝っています。そう、このフロントジャケットの色合いの如き音色です。
Surprisingly, this was the first time for me to play this album with my current audio system. Anyway, this copy can deliver fully acceptable and enjoyable sound. It has bit narrow frequency band in the sound, and moderate equalizing is obvious, but at the same time this copy has very powerful and refreshing sound, which cannot be heard on remastered CDs, and which really matches the goodness of every track on this album. Yes, the sound colour is just like what the colour of the front cover artwork has.
ロック系のオリジナル盤コレクターにはならない (CD や廉価盤 LP は買うけど)、と固く心に誓っている今となっては、家に残る数少ない盤の一枚です。
Now I make my mind NOT to become a collector of vintage Rock albums (but I will buy CDs and cheap LP issues), so this album is one of my few Rock collection.
A-2 Take This Hurt Off Me
A-3 Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
A-4 Midnight Special
A-5 When A Man Loves A Woman
A-6 When I Come Home
B-1 Mean Woman Blues
B-2 Dust My Blues
B-3 On The Green Light
B-4 Neighbour, Neighbour
B-5 High Time Baby
B-6 Somebody Help Me
Steve Winwood (lead guitar, p, org, vo), Spencer Davis (rhythm guitar), Muff Winwood (b), Pete York (ds).
Sound Engineer: Bob Auger.
Recorded in 1966.