私が好きなタイプの音楽が多くラインアップされている、ドイツの MORR Music レーベルから 2005年2月にリリースされたアルバム。昨年暮れに購入してから、最近徐々にターンテーブルに載せる頻度があがってきました。CD と共に LP でも同時リリースされており、こちらは 2枚組 (1枚目が33 1/3回転、2枚目が45回転という変則な組合せ)。もちろん迷うことなく後者を購入しました。
This album, released in February 2005 from German label MORR Music (whose catalogue contains many titles I like), was the one I bought last year. Recently I often pick up the album and enjoy the music. The album is available both in CD and LP format (the latter is double LP format, disc one in 33 1/3 rpm and disc 2 in 45 rpm) – of course I bought the album in LP format with no doubt.
![[MORR052LP Front Cover]](https://microgroove.jp/img/MORR052LP_F.jpg)
![[MORR052LP Back Cover]](https://microgroove.jp/img/MORR052LP_B.jpg)
Unsolved Remained / Masha Qrella
Overall impression of this album is, in short words, a nice melancholic pop album with fine blend of acoustic/electronic sounds enrich her incredible songwriting. But unlike many other albums of similar tastes, this album by Masha Qrella is very distinctive and impressive – a totally perfect, well-constructed in details and full of variations throughout the album. Yes, the album “Unsolved Remained” is a good example of her talented artistry and deep-wide soundscapes in her mind. Also, it is very impressive that she plays most instruments here – actually she is a guitarist as well as a keyboard player.
恐らく打ち込みで作られた、スローでかつ絶妙に揺れるドライなリズムの上に、アコースティックギターの透き通る様な響きが重ねられ、アンニュイな感じの朴訥ヴォーカルが控えめに歌詞を綴る。A面の5曲は大体そんな感じの楽曲で統一されていますが、B面以降では更にサンプリングしたローファイな音やシューゲイザー系のギターがノイジーに被さり、ほとんどがスローやミドルテンポなのに、一曲ごとに面白いように表情を変える複層的な流れに引き込まれていきます。C面の “Destination Vertical” のローファイなサンプリングとギター、揺れる音像、相変わらず朴訥としたヴォーカルのバランス具合など最高です。
First five tracks (Side-A on LP) all presents similar sounds – based on slow but swaying rhythms (perhaps programmed?), acoustic guitar presents the transparent soundscape, with Masha’s ennui vocal tells the story. Then from Side-B, you’ll hear the diversity of the soundscape on every track to another, although most tracks are consistently set in slow or middle tempo. Sampled low-fi sounds added on some tracks, while some other features “shoe-gazing” noisy guitar. My favourite track is “Destination Vertical” on Side-C, a great mixture of low-hi samplings, rocking guitar, cracking rhythm, multi-layered soundscapes, and ennui vocal.
A-1: Unsolved Remained
A-2: Last Night
A-3: Sister, Welcome
A-4: I Can’t Tell
A-5: C. Bones
B-1: No Matter
B-2: Feels Like
B-3: Everything Shows
B-4: Guided By The Stripes
B-5: My Day
C-1: Destination Vertical
D-1: I Can’t Tell (Johannson Remix)
D-2: My Day (Bus Remix)
Recorded and mixed together with Norman Nitzsche at Villa Qrella, 2004.
Mastering and final tricks by Christian Mevs at Sonnenseite Studios, Hamburg.
All songs written by Masha Qrella, except:
I Can’t Tell: basic track by Henrik Johannson;
Destination Vertical: basic track by Rechenzantrum;
C. Bones: based on a sample by ISO 68;
Guided By The Stripes: written together with Norman Nitzsche.
Guests: Michael Mühlhaus (additional keyboards on “Last Night”).