
Mercury Popular Autographed Photograph Series

先日、カナダとアメリカの国境近くに住む Bernie さんから、こんなメールを受け取りました。

The other day I got an e-mail from Mr. Bernie Crawley (who lives near the border of Canada and the U.S.), which reads:

Hello. Enjoyed your website, great job.

こんにちは。あなたのサイト 楽しませてもらいました。

I just picked up a sleeve, (no disc I’m afraid) to a Buddy Rich 10 inch I think.

ところで、Buddy Rich の10インチ盤用に作られたと思われるスリーヴを入手しました(残念だけど盤はなくてスリーヴ単体でした)。

It is part of the “Mercury Records Popular Autographed Photograph Series“, the back of the sleeve has a bio, similar to what you might find on a long player. There is no mention of a catalogue number & I’m not sure if it was a 78 or a 10” LP.

それは「Mercury Records Popular Autographed Photograph Series」の1枚らしく、スリーヴ裏にはバイオグラフィーが書かれていて、ちょうどLPの裏ジャケみたいになっています。スリーヴにはカタログ番号は書かれておらず、これが78回転盤用のスリーヴなのか、10インチLP用のスリーヴなのかもわかりません。

Have you seen one of these before? Any ideas?

このようなスリーヴを過去に目にしたことはありますか? なにかご存知のことはありますか?

Email I got from Bernie Crawley on May 11, 2023


No, I have never seen such sleeves before. Furthermore, no matter how much I searched on the web, I couldn’t find any information on the “Mercury Popular Autographed Photograph Series”. Anyway I tried to keep in touch with him, and had shared several information.

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KUNIKO PLAYS REICH: Electric Counterpoint Version For Percussions


When I am driving with my car audio, or when I am at home listening to music with my stereo system, I play various kinds of music. But I seldom curry favor with my daughter, who is six years old now, like I play music for kids.

[pile of CD cases]

バディ・リッチのドラムバトルとか本当に大好きで、パーカッション演奏を聴くのが大好きな娘は、最近だと、スティーブ・ライヒ (Steve Reich) の “Music For 18 Musicians” と “Electric Counterpoint (Version for Percussions)” がストライクゾーンだった模様。特に後者はアドリブで「さむ さむ さむ さむ さむい さむい さむい さむい ねむい ねむい ねむい ねむい」とか歌いながら楽しんでました。I li I li I li I lik I lik I like I like I like the way way way way way s s s sh sh sh she she lik lik lik likes likes likes!

Recently she (who loves percussive performances a lot, including drum battles by Buddy Rich!) found the greatness of “Music For 18 Musicians” and “Electric Counterpoint (Version for Percussions)” both by Steve Reich. Particularly she loves the latter composition, and she does ad-lib singing along with the tune, like “Co, co, co, co, cold, cold, cold, cold, cool, cool, cool, cool” – Yes, I li I li I li I lik I lik I like I like I like the way way way way way s s s sh sh sh she she lik lik lik likes likes likes!

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Your choice? LP with cover, or 78rpms without cover?

In some way, and for some people with huge love for records, it should be an ultimate choice –
which do you prefer, an LP with a cover, or 78rpms without a cover, if both have the same contents and if both were released in (roughly) similar period?

ある人種 (笑) にとっては、究極の選択かも知れません。
同一内容、ほぼ同時期のリリースのアルバムだとして、 ジャケット付の LP をとるか、 ジャケなしの SP をとるか。

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