
Fine And Dandy / Sonny Stitt


This short article is a revised edition of what I was writing bits and pieces earlier this year. Still one mystery survives – what and how will be the real truth coming out?

[Stitt's Bits - The Bebop Recordings 1949-1952]

Stitt’s Bits: The Bebop Recordings 1949-1952 / Sonny Stitt
(Prestige [US] PRCD3-30043-2)

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Your choice? LP with cover, or 78rpms without cover?

In some way, and for some people with huge love for records, it should be an ultimate choice –
which do you prefer, an LP with a cover, or 78rpms without a cover, if both have the same contents and if both were released in (roughly) similar period?

ある人種 (笑) にとっては、究極の選択かも知れません。
同一内容、ほぼ同時期のリリースのアルバムだとして、 ジャケット付の LP をとるか、 ジャケなしの SP をとるか。

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The Mercury New Orleans Sessions 1950 & 1953

今年発売されたばかりの、この 2枚組 CD。なんといってもジャケットがイカしてます。 ボロボロになった SP アルバム を模した装丁で、最初に手にとった時には不良品かと勘違いしましたよ . . .

This double CD album, just released in this year, has very funny artwork here – take a look, it looks like a heavily worn-out 78rpm album binder! When I saw this artwork for the first time, I thought this copy is one of substandard products . . .

[Bear Family BCD-16804-BH Cover]

The Mercury New Orleans Sessions 1950 & 1953
(Bear Family [G] BCD-16804-BH)

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Dinu Lipatti Chopin Waltzes

ショパン (Frédéric François Chopin) のワルツ集 . . . 音楽に全く興味のない人でも、必ず何曲かは耳にしたことがあるはず。少しでもピアノを習ったことがある人なら、何曲かは弾いたことがあるはず。そして弾き手の解釈によってその表情が余りにも変化してしまう、本当に 難しい 曲集。

Piano Waltzes by Frédéric François Chopin . . . which have been very popular even among people who don’t have interests in music at all . . . anyone who had learnt playing classical piano ever had a chance to play a Chopin Waltz or two . . . and what’s most important, these fourteen Waltzes are very difficult to play – every pianist play Chopin Waltzes based on interpretations of their own, and every performance shows variety of diversity.

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Miles Davis’ “Birth of the Cool” 78rpms

のちに Birth of the Cool(「クールの誕生」)というタイトルで 10インチ/12インチ LP 化された、問答無用で歴史的名盤とされている マイルス・デイビス (Miles Davis Nonet) の 1949-1950年録音。その録音時期からして、オリジナルイシューは 78回転 SP であろうことは想像に難くありません。

Miles Davis Nonet’s 1949-1950 recordings (which later included on 10-inch/12-inch LP album entitled Birth of the Cool) have been sought as one of the historically important masterpices. By the way, as the recorded date may suggest, these materials were firstly made public on 78rpm issues.

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