
KUNIKO PLAYS REICH: Electric Counterpoint Version For Percussions


When I am driving with my car audio, or when I am at home listening to music with my stereo system, I play various kinds of music. But I seldom curry favor with my daughter, who is six years old now, like I play music for kids.

[pile of CD cases]

バディ・リッチのドラムバトルとか本当に大好きで、パーカッション演奏を聴くのが大好きな娘は、最近だと、スティーブ・ライヒ (Steve Reich) の “Music For 18 Musicians” と “Electric Counterpoint (Version for Percussions)” がストライクゾーンだった模様。特に後者はアドリブで「さむ さむ さむ さむ さむい さむい さむい さむい ねむい ねむい ねむい ねむい」とか歌いながら楽しんでました。I li I li I li I lik I lik I like I like I like the way way way way way s s s sh sh sh she she lik lik lik likes likes likes!

Recently she (who loves percussive performances a lot, including drum battles by Buddy Rich!) found the greatness of “Music For 18 Musicians” and “Electric Counterpoint (Version for Percussions)” both by Steve Reich. Particularly she loves the latter composition, and she does ad-lib singing along with the tune, like “Co, co, co, co, cold, cold, cold, cold, cool, cool, cool, cool” – Yes, I li I li I li I lik I lik I like I like I like the way way way way way s s s sh sh sh she she lik lik lik likes likes likes!

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Diversity of “Plays Monk”, Pt. 5: ASA Trio

Pt. 3 (Bobby Broom) の時に



それは ボビー・ブルーム(Bobby Broom)(2009)、ピーター・バーンスタイン(Peter Bernstein)(2008)、ジョシュア・ブレイクストーン(Joshua Breakstone)(1997) がそれぞれ出した ギタートリオ によるアルバムを意図していた(現時点ではジョシュア・ブレイクストーンの盤のみ未聴)のですが、他にもアコースティックギターソロ(!)や電化ヴァイオリン入り(!)、ピアノとのデュオ、などなど、様々な編成でギターがフィーチャーされているものがいろいろあります。それらも今後紹介する予定です。

今回もそんな1枚で、なんと ハモンドオルガン入り です。これは期待も膨らむというもの。

Plays Monk

ASA Trio Plays The Music of Thelonious Monk (Sunny/Sky 727)

Amazon.com (MP3) | Amazon.co.jp (MP3)

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Good Vibrations (78 rpm) / The Beach Boys

世界で最も有名な未完のアルバム、といってよいであろう、ビーチ・ボーイズ (The Beach Boys) の「SMiLE」関連の音源は、過去に何度となくリリースが噂されてきました。古くは1973年にリリースしようとしていたことが明らかになっていますし、1988年にもボックス化される話がありました。

Maybe the most famous “unreleased” album ever – “SMiLE” by The Beach Boys. There has been so many rumors and announcements in the past about releasing the SMiLE era outtakes in one package. The oldest attempt to finish the Smile album known so far was in 1973. Later in 1988 another attempt was made to release SMiLE materials.


で、今回も「Smile Sessions」が出る出ると話題になっていますが、さて本当に出るのでしょうか。予想通り当初の予定からは遅れつつあるようで、現時点での最新情報では2011年8月9日リリースとのことです。

Recently yet another announcement was made that the “Smile Sessions” will be released in 2011 – the release date was slated again several times, but anyway the most recent news says it will be out on August 9, 2011.


先月、そのリリースの予告編として、“Good Vibrations”“Heroes And Villains” をカップリングした10インチアナログがリリースされました。なんと 78回転 です。

Last month an interesting title was released, probably as a trailer of the Smile Sessions – double 10-inch vinyl release, coupling “Good Vibrations” and “Heroes And Villains”, on microgroove 78 rpm!

Good Vibrations c/w Heroes And Villains / The Beach Boys
(Capitol 509990 98341 18)
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Boogie 4 Stu: A Tribute To Ian Stewart / Ben Waters

個人的には、ストーンズ全メンバーが勢揃いしたこと自体は、あまり注目点ではなかったりします。ベン・ウォーターズ (Ben Waters) が、イアン・スチュアート (Ian Stewart) ゆかりのブギウギ、R&B の名曲をどう料理してくれるのか、その点がはるかに興味をひかれ、ボーナストラック入りで限定リリースされた 2枚組LP を購入しました。

In my humble opinion, the most interesting part of this album is NOT the fact that all members of The Rolling Stones plays on this album, but how the leader Ben Waters interprets good old Boogie Woogie / R&B tunes connected to the late Ian Stewart… I bought the limited 2LP edition of the album (with bonus tracks).

[Ward WRDLP-002 Front Cover] [Ward WRDLP-002 Back Cover]

(front/back covers of the double LP edition)

ブギー・4・スチュ / ベン・ウォーターズ
Boogie 4 Stu / Ben Waters
(Eagle Records / Ward Records (Japan) WRDLP-002)

Amazon.co.jp で買う:CD
Buy this at Amazon.com: CD / MP3
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Japan Earthquake Aftermath: Prayers And Brighter Days

Dear fellow readers, music lovers and collectors,

My family and I are safe. We in Tokyo had the earthquake on March 11, 2011, but the situation was NOT critical and serious. As a matter of fact, all of my LPs, 78rpms, CDs, audio component or whatever are intact, fortunately. My daughter and I was at home when the huge earthquake hits Eastern Japan. Only a few things fell onto the floor – a toaster in the kitchen, many books and cardboard boxes in my home working room, some decorating parts of Hinamatsuri dolls in the living room. Anyway we are safe.

I just can’t help sending my prayers to the people in the Tohoku region where the critical earthquake and Tsunami hit, and who have been waiting for help and spending inconvinent days at refuge.

Even in Tokyo, many people here have been facing some difficulties in everyday life since the “3.11” – scheduled blackouts, train service being reduced because of the blackouts, some people rushing to supermarkets and gas stations, various false rumors making people uncertain and anxious, etc., etc… People have been even complaining that many of Japanese TV programs and newspapers don’t provide reliable and appropriate information to us.

But we will never give up. we never forget smile, peace of mind, courage and bravery.

Do you know the famous Japanese song “Sukiyaki” by Kyu Sakamoto? The original title is 上を向いて歩こう (“Ue Wo Muite Arukou”, “I Look Up When I Walk”). We will keep looking up. We will never walk alone.

Friday, March 18, 2011
Kohji “Shaolin” Matsubayashi


Simon Werner a Disparu / Sonic Youth

ディジタルリリースは既に行われていますが、CD および LP はまもなく発売です。サントラでインストなソニック・ユース。とりあえず LP を予約しておきました。わくわく。

The Sonic Youth Sound without vocal tracks – CD edition and Vinyl edition will be released shortly (although the MP3 digital release is available already) – I pre-ordered the vinyl edition, like always 😉

試聴は こちら (midheaven.com) や こちら (amazon.com) からどうぞ。

Listen to samples here: midheaven.com and / or amazon.com

[Simon Werner a Disparu]
Simon Werner a Disparu / Sonic Youth
(Sonic Youth Records SYR-9 / SYR-9CD)
Amazon.co.jp で買う:CD / LP
Buy this at Amazon.com: CD / Vinyl


Sonic Youth have been active for 30 years into their career – simply amazing.