娘が生まれて初めて「That’s A Plenty」を聴いてからはや3ヶ月。未だにこの楽曲に飽きる気配はみせません。クルマで移動中は、かならず That’s A Plenty プレイリストの再生をせがみますし、最近購入したディジタルピアノでも That’s A Plenty の Aメロ Bメロを嬉々として弾き、自転車でお散歩中も鼻歌でメロディを歌う毎日です。
It’s been three months since my daughter knew that old standard tune “That’s A Plenty”, and she never lost interest to this song: she always ask me to play the playlist (on my iPhone) containing various versions of “That’s A Plenty”; she loves to play A melody and B melody of that tune with her new digital piano; she still hums the tune while she rides on her bicycle outside.
既に30バージョン、いや40バージョンに迫らんとする幾多の「That’s A Plenty」を楽しむ娘、その中でも好みの演奏とそうでないものがあるようで、娘なりにランキングをつけているようです。以下、5歳児なりのナイーブなコメントと共に、気に入っている順番に紹介します。
She already have listened to thirty (or even forty) versions of “That’s A Plenty” – and some specific versions attract her much, and some others don’t. Here’s a quick review of such tunes, along with her pure and naive commentaries.
Contents / 目次
Bobby Hackett (1955)
![[Coast Concert / Bobby Hackett]](https://microgroove.jp/img/CoastConcert.jpg)
「これがいちばんだ〜いすき! トランペットのおとが、とってもかっこいいし、とってもじょうず! トロンボーンもかっこいい! ひこうじょうのジャケットもかっこいいし、おじさんがすてきなかっこうをしている!」
“I love this version the best! Trumpet sound is very cool and talented! Trombone is so good too! I love this artwork – an old man with a nice-looking suit at the airport!”
Bobby Hackett (cor),
Jack Teagarden (tb, vo),
Abe Lincoln (tb),
Matty Matlock (cl),
Don Owens (p),
Nappy Lamare (bj, g),
Phil Stephens (b, tb),
Nick Fatool (ds).
Recorded in Hollywood, CA on October 18-19, 1955.
Issued on “Coast Concert” (Capitol T-692)
Jerry Fuller Sextet (1959)
![[Clarinet Portrait / Jerry Fuller Sextet]](https://microgroove.jp/img/ClarinetPortrait.png)
「これも、おなじくらい、だ〜いすき! イントロがかっこよくて、ふるくないかんじがする! クラリネットのおともだ〜いすき!」
“I love this version so much as well! Intro sounds very stylish, very new! I love clarinet sound so much!”
Jerry Fuller (cl),
Bob Florence (p),
Gene Estes (vib),
Howard Roberts (g),
Mel Pollan (b),
Frank Capp (ds).
Recorded at Third Street Studios, Los Angeles, CA
on March 17, 19 and 20, 1959.
Issued on “Clarinet Portrait” (Andex A-3008)
Pointers Sisters (1974)
![[That's A Plenty / The Pointers Sisters]](https://microgroove.jp/img/ThatsAPlenty_PointersSisters.jpg)
「おねえさんたちのうたが、とってもたのしい!ウキウキする! おわりのほうで、べつのきょくとまざるのもたのしい!」
“Singing by elder girls – so fun and cheerful! Another song combined in the last part – it’s fun too!”
Issued on “That's A Plenty” (Blue Thumb BTS-6009)
Spike Jones (1942)
![[Radio Days / Spike Jones]](https://microgroove.jp/img/RadioDays.jpg)
「えんそうが、めーーーーーーーーーっちゃおもしろい!」 「“Wait A Minute For You!” “This Music Should Be Played Fortissimo, Accelerando!” がおもしろい!!!」
“They play so crazy and fun!” “I love him shouting ‘Wait A Minute For You!’ and ‘This Music Should Be Played Fortissimo, Accelerando!’ – so fun!!!”
Issued on “Radio Days” (Remember RMB-75017)
Willie ‘The Lion’ Smith (1937)
![[The Chronological Willie 'The Lion' Smith 1937-1938]](https://microgroove.jp/img/ChronologicalWillieTheLionSmith1937-1938.jpg)
「オルガンのおとが、とってもかわいくて、これだーいすき!」 「けど、パパは、ピアノのじょうずな、はまきのひとのほうが、すきなんだよね!」
“I love this organ sound – so cute and fun!” “But I know, Papa loves the piano player (with cigar) much better!“
Milt Herth (org),
Willie "The Lion" Smith (p, cel),
O'Neil Spencer (ds, vo).
Recorded in NYC on November 11, 1937.
Issued on Decca 1553 (78 rpm)
Wild Bill Davison (1943)
![[Commodore Master Takes / Wild Bill Davison]](https://microgroove.jp/img/WildBillDavisonCommodoreMasterTakes.jpg)
“Trumpet sounds very cool and talented – the whole atmosphere is powerful and they play very well!”
Wild Bill Davison (cor),
Pee Wee Russell (cl),
George Brunis (tb),
Eddie Condon (g),
Gene Schroeder (p),
Bob Casey (b),
George Wettling (ds).
Recorded in NYC on April 27, 1943.
Issued on Commodore C-1511 (78 rpm)
Eddie Condon (1957)
![[Complete Eddie Condon CBS Recordings]](https://microgroove.jp/img/CompleteEddieCondonCBSRecordings.jpg)
“I love this one too – I love this trumpet, like the one on the blue/orange border cover – so cool and I love it!”
Wild Bill Davison (cor),
Vic Dickenson (tb),
Bob Wilber (cl),
Gene Schroeder (p),
Eddie Condon (g),
Leonard Gaskin (b),
George Wettling (ds).
Recorded in NYC on August 19, 1957.
Issued on “The Roaring Twenties” (Columbia CL-1089)
(continued to the next entry…)