
Lonely Town / Tommy Flanagan

欧米と日本での評価 (というか温度差) が全く異なるミュージシャンというのは、どんな音楽ジャンルでもいるものですね。例えばここで紹介する トミー・フラナガン / Tommy Flanagan (1930-2001) も、欧米では名サポート役としては評価されているものの、日本での根強いファンの多さに比べると、受け止められ方が随分違うものだなと改めて感じます。

In any musical genres, there are such musicians that “tempreture” of popularity is different among Japan, Europe and North America. Tommy Flanagan (1930-2001, a Jazz pianist), for example, was famous as a sideman and much underrated as a leader, while in Japan he had so many enthusiasts. The fact itself is very interesting.

1950年代から名脇役として活躍してきた彼も、1960年代までに残したリーダー作は多くありません。Pablo レーベルからリリースされた “The Tokyo Recital” (1975) 以後、リーダー録音がコンスタントに行われていきますが、元々はこのアルバム自体も、日本側からの熱烈な要望によって実現した、と聞いたことがあります。

Tommy Flanagan started his professional career early, and he was already an important part in the Detroit Jazz scene in the early 1950s. However, he had few chance to record albums as a leader during 1950s-1960s, until Pablo label released “The Tokyo Recital” (1975). Since then, he constantly released leader albums until his passaway. Interestingly, I have heard that the Tokyo Recital album was recorded and released due to high demand from Japanese fans.

そんな Flanagan の代表作として日本で大人気なのが、1957年 Stockholm 録音の初リーダー作 Overseas (Metronome 原盤でオリジナル盤は EP 3枚組) でしょう。確かに演奏といい、選曲といい、全体の構成といい、文句のつけようのない大名盤といえます。当時リリースされた 2作目は Moosville レーベルからリリースされた “The Tommy Flanagan Trio” (1960年) でしたが、この前年に録音された未発表リーダー録音が 1979年に日本でリリースされました。

Especially in Japan, his most famous and most popular album has been “Overseas” (1957), his first leader recording with Wilbur Little and Elvin Jones in Stockholm, Sweden (original issue was from Metronome label in 3 EP format). Actually the album is a masterpiece – performances, the tunes, and totality is all great. Then his next leader album appeared as “The Tommy Flanagan Trio” (1960), released by Moosville label. However, there is one more leader session by Flanagan in 1959, and it became firstly public in 1979 as a Japan-only LP issue.

[GP-3186 Front Cover] [GP-3186 Back Cover]

Lonely Town / Tommy Flanagan
(Blue Note / King Japan GP-3186)
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Miles Davis Analog Collection

先日 ユニバーサルの LP リイシューに関するエントリ に trackback して下さった 土佐漆喰さんのサイト で知りました。

The other day, a person kindly sent a trackback to my entry regarding recent Jazz LP reissues from Universal Music Japan. Then I visited his site and noticed that…

しかしなぁ、なーんかイマイチ購買欲をそそらないのはなんでやろう。全20枚 (10枚づつに分けて販売) いっぺんに買うしか入手方法がない (しかも合計 81,900円!) とか、音質について「180g 重量盤」としか表記がないとか、Columbia 時代の Miles だと過去のリリース枚数が多いため、比較的安価でオリジナル盤を入手可能であるとか、そういったことなんでしょうが。これ、果たして売れるのかしら。どうもあんまり売れない様な気が…

However, it won’t make me feel “I am dying to buy the box” – because it’s too expensive? (81,900 YEN in total!) – or buying all 20 LPs is the only way to get ’em? (we can’t buy each LP individually from Sony Music) – or “180g vinyl” is the only description about sound quality? – or getting Miles’ original Columbia LPs is rather easy in reasonable price (compared with other very scarce Jazz LPs) – I don’t know the real reason, anyway I do NOT think this huge LP box will sell well…


Guitar Genius In Japan / Kenny Burrell, Attila Zoller, Jim Hall


Everybody may have his/her special album(s) of his/her own – for example, an album which closely link to his/her personal events and memories, an album which gave him/her a huge impact to let him/her get involved into music. And there are some more – such as “an album which was recorded on the same day in the same year when I was born”.

UPS-81-V Front Cover (No Obi)

ジャケ表 / Front Cover

Guitar Genius In Japan
(Overseas/Teichiku UPS-81-V)
UPS-81-V Left Inside the Gatefold Cover

ゲートフォールドジャケ内側の左側 / Left Side inside the Gatefold Cover

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He’s Funny That Way / Ann Burton

以前ここで紹介した Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel (LOB Japan LDC-1004, 1977年 5月発売) に続き、1977年 7月にリリースされた LOB レーベルのアルバム。 やはり同じくダイレクトカッティング盤で、2,500枚限定発売です。

This LP by Ann Burton (originally out in July 1977), was a following release of Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel (LOB Japan LDC-1004, May 1977), which I mentioned on this web a while ago. Like B. Kessel album, this LP is also direct-cutting disc and released in limited numbers (2,500) only.

[LDC-1005 Front Cover] [LDC-1005 Back Cover]
He’s Funny That Way / Ann Burton
(LOB Japan LDC-1005)
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Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel


この前ここで Jim Hall の日本録音ダイレクトカッティング盤 (1976年録音) を紹介しましたが、今度は 1977年の日本録音、同じくダイレクトカッティング盤、Barney Kessel さんの LP です。当時、一体どの位の種類のダイレクトカッティング盤が次から次へと生み出されていったのでしょうか。

A while ago, I wrote an article of dicrect-cutting LP of Jim Hall recorded in Japan (which was recorded in 1976). And here is another example – Barney Kessel’s direct-cutting LP recorded in 1977. I am wondering, how many direcut-cut LPs were produced in the period (late 1970s) in Japan… You may know, Japanese people tends to do what others are doing; they will not likely to do what others are not doing…

[LDC-1004 Front Cover]
Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel
(LOB Japan LDC-1004)
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Jazz Impressions of Japan (無言歌) / Jim Hall

1976年の来日時に、こんな素晴らしい演奏とアルバムを残して下さった ジム・ホール (Jim Hall) トリオに感謝すると同時に、彼らにこのアルバム制作のきっかけを与えた日本という国を、我々はもっと誇りに思うべきでしょう。

We Japanese must deeply thank to the Jim Hall Trio, who left such a great performance on this album (recorded in 1976 during their live tour to Japan). Also, we must be very proud of this country Japan, where Jim Hall had so many impressions which was definitely a fundamental background of this album.

[GXU-1 Front Cover]
Jazz Impressions of Japan (無言歌) / Jim Hall
(A&M Horizon / King Japan GXU-1)
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