
Call for help: check your copies of Blue Note BST-84340

Blue Note BST-84340 をお持ちの方に情報提供のお願いです。

If you have a copy of Blue Note BST-84340, your information is appreciated. Details are as shown below.

[BST-84340 Front]      [BST-84340 Side-A]

Accent On The Blues / “Big” John Patton
(Blue Note BST-84340)
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We’re Only In It For The Money

先週金曜日朝のテニス (シングルス) は 6-1 6-0 で快勝、誕生日を勝利で飾りました (笑)。コートに向かう車の中で Frank Zappa の「Mystery Disc」を聴いていたのが良かったのかも知れません (笑)

On tennis (singles) matches last Friday morning (my birthday BTW), I could win against two opponents at 6-1 and 6-0 respectively which was a good success. This would be probably because I listened to the Frank Zappa’s “Mystery Disc” CD on my way to the tennis court 🙂

[We're Only In It For The Money / Lumpy Gravy]

We’re Only In It For The Money / Lumpy Gravy / The Mothers
(Rykodisc [US] RCD-40024)
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Songs For Young Lovers (Yellow Label Promo)

Songs For Young Lovers / Frank Sinatra」より:
. . . あぁ、両面 D1 か D2 の西海岸プレスはどこかに落ちてないものでしょうか。

というわけで先週届きました (笑) A面が D1 で B面が D2 のプロモ盤 (東海岸プレス)。

quoted from “Songs For Young Lovers / Frank Sinatra” :
. . . if only I could find the West-Coast pressing copy with D1 or D2 on both sides!

And here it is 🙂 This promo copy (East-Coast pressing) with yellow label and D1/D2 matrix came to me last week.

[Capitol H-488 Label A] [Capitol H-488 Label B]
Songs For Young Lovers / Frank Sinatra
(Capitol [US] H-488)
1st variation, w/ deep groove on label, D1/D2 matrix, AES cutting, yellow label promo
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Songs For Young Lovers / Frank Sinatra


There ain’t no word to say – you know what? What a perfect album this is . . .

[Capitol H-488 Front Cover] [Capitol H-488 Back Cover]
Songs For Young Lovers / Frank Sinatra
(Capitol [US] H-488)
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