
Anita O’Day in her early years


Personally I regret that this article (which I started writing a few months ago but not published yet) was not in time before her passaway – anyway here it is.

[Gene Krupa Orchestra w/ Anita O'Day]
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R.I.P., Ms. Anita O’Day

仕事の忙しい合間に、Mercury / Clef / Verve 時代「以前」の Krupa / Kenton 時代、Signature レーベルなどでのソロデビュー時代について、記事を準備していたところでした (最近はこの辺りの Anita がお気に入りで良く聴いていたんです) が、間に合いませんでした。合掌。

Although I had been so busy for my own job, I sometimes wrote an article dedicated to Anita O’Day in her early years, including Krupa/Kenton days, as well as her first solo recordings such on Signature label (recently I love to listen to her early years, actually). But it was late – her passaway came first. Rest In Peace, lady Anita . . .


Various V.A. LPs, Pt.3 – Special College Jazz Album

V.A. 特集 第2回 に続き今回紹介する 3枚目は、Verve レーベルの Various ものです。 ClefNorgran、そしてこの Verve と通じて、 Norman Granz が立ち上げたレーベルにおいて いわゆるサンプラー的なアルバムというのはどうもなさそうなのですが (実際にはあるかも知れません。 もしご存じでしたらご教授下さい)、 コンピレーション盤、いわゆる Various ものはカタログ内に大量に存在しています。 これもそんな 1枚なのですが…

Here is the third V.A. LP, from the Verve label (previous entries can be reached from here: Pt. 1 and Pt. 2). As far as I know, there is no “Sampler LPs” of Clef / Norgran / Verve labels (all supervised by Norman Granz) – but if you happen to know the existence of Clef / Norgran / Verve sampler LPs, please let me know. On the other hand, these labels had so many Various Artists LPs (or what is called “compilations”) in the catalogue. This LP is one of them, but there is an interesting fact…

[Verve MG V-8341 Front Cover] [Verve MG V-8341 Back Cover]

Special College Jazz Album
(Verve MG V-8341)
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