Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)


On August 18, I drove east to Tsukuba City in Ibaraki, to visit my mentor/guru/master of Jazz 78rpm records, Tohru Seya-san – he’s been probably one of the greatest, generous and openhearted collector – also he’s been one of the most dilligent researcher of pre-bop Jazz.

もうひと月以上前になりますが、ジャズSPレコードの大先輩というか師匠というか尊師というか、つくばにあるその方のお宅に伺いました。数千枚以上もある膨大なSPコレクターにして戦前ジャズの熱心な研究で知られる 瀬谷徹 さんです。


We had a great time, discussing about old Jazz, listening to great Jazz sounds with his amazing audio equipment – an old tube amp, RCA professional 16-inch turntable, Jensen field speaker from 1930s and more – (believe me he’s not that snobbish, but he’s just a dilligent music enthusiast) – the first one we enjoyed was this record – 16-inch US Navy Transcription 33rpm record, featuring June Christy, Shelly Manne etc. Other 78rpms we enjoyed so much today includes Django Reinhardt, The Spirits Of Rhythm, Chick Webb, Coleman Hawkins, Billie Holiday, Meade Lux Lewis and many more that I was like in heaven…



See the details of his awesome equipment specialized for 78 rpm playback!

瀬谷さんの、SP盤再生に特化した垂涎の再生システムの詳細は こちら をご覧下さい。

Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

CD player production ends at Linn

いつかはこういう日が来るとは思っていましたが、ピュアオーディオ系の名門 LINN がアナウンスする、ということに、大きな時代の節目を感じずにはいられません。

Most of us knew that it would happen in the near future – but this announcement by LINN, one of the most acclaimed companies in the pure Hi-Fi audio field, definitely shows us the big turning point in the audio history.

リン・プロダクツは、今年を最後に CD プレーヤの製造・販売から撤退することをアナウンスした最初のメーカとなった。 東レンフルーシャー地方に位置するこのオーディオファイル向けニッチな会社は代わりに、今後はディジタルストリーミング製品に注力していくとのことである。
(… 中略 …)

(quoted from the above news article)
Linn Products has become the first manufacturer to announce it will give up on CDs from the start of next year. Instead, the niche company, based in East Renfrewshire, will focus on producing digital streaming equipment.
(… snip …)
Yet it continues to make turntables for vinyl records, as there remains a demand for the quality of sound compression offered by older record technology.

Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Replacing Phonomena BPS Batteries

日本に正規輸入されていないフォノイコライザ Musical Surrounding Phonomena と専用バッテリ電源キットを海外から中古で 購入 してから 5年以上が経過。さすがに充電式バッテリ電源ユニットもヘタってきたので、内部の充電池を交換。

Over five years have passed since I bought a second-hand set of Musical Surroundings Phonomena (and a companion Battery Power Supply unit) – nowadays BPS doesn’t work as expected, and it seems the rechargable batteries (in the BPS unit) have to be replaced.

[Phonomena + BPS]

Musical Surroundings Phonomena (top) and Battery Power Supply unit (bottom)
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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Michell GyroDec Generations; Suspension Tower Upgrade Kit

こちらでは大変ご無沙汰しております。2歳を過ぎたやんちゃ娘を毎日自宅で面倒みながら仕事したり家事したりですと (笑) さすがにここの更新も疎かになってしまいがちです。今回はそんなやんちゃ娘の昼寝の間をぬって、ターンテーブルのパーツを交換したお話です。

It’s been a while since I updated this website last – I haven’t had enough time to post new entries here while I take care of two-year-old ‘tomboy’ daughter, doin’ daily household chores, doin’ my job all at home. Anyway the entry I am writing this time is a story of upgrading my turntable parts while my tomboy daughter was taking an afternoon nap…

[J.A. Michell Gyrodec Mk.III Emblem]
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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Satchelmouth Baby / Four Jumps of Jive

いろいろ事情がありまして、ここ1年以上、自分でもびっくりする程にめっきり購入ペースが落ち込んでいますが、これが今年1枚目の SP となりました (CD や LP を入れても今年 4枚目?)。1945年、マーキュリー・レコード が最初にリリースした記念すべき盤を、やっとこさ入手しました。

Nowadays I don’t buy many vinyls, CDs and 78rpms like I used to do – which is very surprising for myself actually. Anyway here is the very first 78rpm I bought this year (the fourth one I got this year even including CDs and LPs?). Yes, this is the very first 78rpm release by Mercury Records way back in 1945.

[Mercury 2001 Side-A]< [Mercury 2001 Side-B]

Satchelmouth Baby c/w It’s Just The Blues / Four Jumps of Jive
(Mercury 2001)
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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Otono Edison Cartridges – 3mil version now available

以前 4mil バージョンしかないことを残念に思った (その時、メーカさんには「ぜひ 3mil バージョンもお願いします」とメールで切々と訴えておいたのですが) 音のエジソン の SP 用モノーラルカートリッジ。瀬谷さん から教えてもらったのですが、ついに 3mil バージョンも正式に販売されることになったようです。

While ago I wrote an article about Otono Edison monaural cartridge for 78rpms. When I wrote that article, there was only 4mil version available, while most of the 78rpms from “golden age” plays best with 3mil needle tip. So when I bought the cartridge, I wrote several e-mails to the company that they should sell 3mil version as well. Then in 2008, Otono-Edison finally decided to sell 3mil version as well as 4mil version – thanks Seya-san for letting me know.

しかし、5月に引越ししてから、まだ一度も SP 盤を聴いていません。ゆっくり音楽を聴く時間がまだとれずにいることもありますし、前の住まいより周りがあまりにも静かなので十分な音量で聴くのがためらわれる、というのもあります。最大の理由は、引越し後のどたばたで、SP がすぐに手の届かない場所にいってしまったためです . . . 時間ができたら、まだ整理完了とは程遠い私の部屋をなんとか整理し直さないといけません。

BTW the bad thing for me is that, since I moved to a new apartment in May, I have never had a chance to listen to 78rpms – maybe because I haven’t had enough time to fully enjoy listening to music, or maybe because this new place is too quiet all around (which is a very good thing for my sweet little baby, now in 9 months old) and I feel I hesitate to play vinyl/shellac records at louder volume as I used to do. But the most probable reason is, that I had been very busy and confused while moving/restoring whole lot of stuffs, and cardboard boxes which contains my 78rpm collection are out of reach behind my other stuffs (books, cloths, other boxes et al.) – so the first thing I have to do after I have spare time is to do another cleanup in my room . . .

Suspension Tower Upgrade Kit for Michell Gyrodec」に続く . . .

Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Edison Replica SP

相も変わらず忙しくて、以前の様に音楽に浸る時間を十分に割けない日々が続いていますが、 今回は SP 用のカートリッジを追加購入したお話を . . .

I’ve still been very busy, unfortunately, and I can’t have enough spare time to devote listening to vinyls and 78rpms – oh my. Anyway this time, here is a story of another 78rpm cartridge I bought several days ago . . .

[Edison Replica SP]
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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Visiting Seya-san’s House

相変わらず忙しさは続いていますが、息抜きを兼ねて昨日つくばの 瀬谷さん のお宅に遊びに行ってきました。美味しい料理とお酒を交わしつつ、 SP の奏でる素敵な音色に包まれて瀬谷さんと岡村さんと過ごす至高の7時間でした。

I’ve still been very busy these days, but I also need a refresh – yesterday I visited Seya-san, an awesome Jazz 78rpm collector, living in Tsukuba, Ibaraki. The living room was filled with warm and rich sounds by various 78rpms, and I really enjoyed music, delicious foods, sake, and chatting with Seya-san and Okamura-san – many thanks for the precious hours!
( . . . the rest of this article is available only in Japanese . . . )

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