
Sensuous / Cornelius

昨年リリースされていた本作品。気にはなってたもののすっかり忘れていて、結局買ったのは先週でした。幸い国内でも LP でリリースされていたので、当然ながらそちらを購入。

This album was out in last October. I was thinking to take a listen, but I completely forgot to buy one. Anyway I found a LP version of this album last week – that’s why this is here.

[Warner WPJL-10002 Front Cover]      [Warner WPJL-10002 Side-A]

Sensuous / Cornelius
(Warner [J] WPJL-10002)
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Sonny Rollins At Music Inn

長いこと日本盤 LP で聴いてきたのですが、先日ボロボロのオリジナル盤を格安で見付け,購入しました。 しかし、普通のボロ盤とはちょっと違う感慨があります。

I’ve enjoyed this album (of Japanese LP reissue) for a long time – then the other day I found the original LP issue (which was not in excellent condition at least visually), and I bought it. Although in fair condition, this copy might have a special story behind it . . .

(the rest of the English edition of this article will be available in the near future, I hope…)

[E-1011 Front Cover] [E-1011 Back Cover]

Sonny Rollins At Music Inn – Teddy Edwards At Falcon’s Lair
(MetroJazz [US] E-1011)
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My Best 5 Acquisitions in 2005


The year 2005 passed so fast, and here comes the next year 2006 already. I sincerely hope you’ll have another nice year as vinyl/music collectors.

昨年1年間は、コレクターとしてはあまり成果があった年とはいえませんでしたが、またまたいろんな音楽に出会うことができました。振り返って個人的ベスト 5 (プラス、番外編) を列挙してみましょう。

Speaking of myself, the year 2005 was not the best one as a collector, but there are several “great” acquisitions as well as finding a great music. Here is my own “best five” (plus an extra title) …

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