
Black Butterfly / Joe Thomas

あー だの こー だの そー だの、なんやかんやと忙しくしてて、最近はゆっくり音楽を聴く時間もとれません。とほほ。

Vine Linux development becoming very active and busy, enjoying small home vegetable farm at my apartment’s verandah, watching professional tennis matches on TV, playing tennis with my friends . . . that’s how I cannot have enough time to enjoy listening to vinyls and 78rpms in the living room nowadays . . .

[4312BMkII Attenuators]

最近になってやっと気付いたのですが、SP を聴く時にはスピーカのツィータ用アッティネータを絞ると、割合といい感じで再生できています。たまにはアッティネータも動かしてあげないといけませんしね。あ、もちろん、ヴィンテージのフルレンジなどにかなうはずもありませんけど、まぁ慎ましく平凡な生活を営む我が家ではこんなんでよしとするしかないでしょう (笑)

My recent discovery (small but innevitable) is, that decreasing high frequency output by adjusting an attenuator for a tweeter works very well when playing old 78rpms. Other than that, it may be better for the attenuator to get moved very often. Of course, I know vintage full-range speaker units/systems will sound far better, but it’s my home system – money always talks anyhow 🙁

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The Complete Village Vanguard Sessions / Art Pepper

アート・ペッパー (Art Pepper) 復帰後のアルバムの中で最も聴き応えのありスリリングな (と私が思っている) 録音、1977年7月28日〜30日のヴィレッジ・ヴァンガードでのライブ録音。1980年に日本キングから 3枚組 LP ボックスで先行発売され、すぐあとに米コンテンポラリーから 3枚の LP としてリリースされました。現在ではライブの全貌を 9枚組 CD ボックスで聴くことができます。

Art Pepper‘s awesome live recording at the Village Vanguard on July 28-30, 1977 – I believe this session is one of the finest recordings by Art Pepper after he came back in 1975 from his long absence. This superb live session was firstly released in 1980 from Japan King label as a 3LP box set. Soon after the Japanese LP box release, U.S. Contemporary label released three individual LPs (entitled “Thursday / Friday / Saturday Night at the Vanguard” respectively). Then we now have 9CD box edition, which contains all recorded materials of Art Pepper’s better days.

[The Complete Village Vanguard Sessions]

The Complete Village Vanguard Sessions / Art Pepper

現在うちには、なぜかその 9枚組 CD ボックスが 2つもあります。 それにまつわるアホなお話です . . .

By the way, I now have two 9CD box sets somehow. Here is my stupid story behind that . . .

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Jazz Winds From A New Direction / Hank Garland


It was on July 4, 1960 at a certain beautiful mansion in Newport, Rhode Island, where and when an interesting recording session was made for vinyl release.

[RCA Victor LPM-2302 Front Cover] [RCA Victor LPM-2302 Back Cover]

After The Riot At Newport / The Nashville All-Stars
(RCA Victor [US] LPM-2302)
この CD を Amazon.co.jp で買う | Buy this CD at Amazon.com
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The Astaire Story

Sorry for scarce update on this website. I have at least three unposted articles (one of them started being written in last September!) and I think I will post some within a few days. In the meantime, here is my newest acquisition which replaces my previous copy with several defects . . .

こちらの更新が滞っておりましてすみません。現在、手元には載せてないネタが最低 3つあり、準備中です (そのうち 1つは昨年 9月に書きはじめたものです) ので、数日中にはそこから掲載できると思います。それまでのしのぎとして、つい最近入手できたものを。これは既に持っていた状態の悪いものの差し替えになります。

[Fred Astaire drawing by David Stone Martin]
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R.I.P. Mr. Frankie Laine

フランキー・レイン (Frankie Laine) さんが 6日、心不全の為 93歳で亡くなったそうです。大往生といっていいのかもしれません。

Mr. Frankie Laine died on 6th of February, of heart failure. He was 93 years old – I hope it was a natural and peaceful death.

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Anita O’Day in her early years


Personally I regret that this article (which I started writing a few months ago but not published yet) was not in time before her passaway – anyway here it is.

[Gene Krupa Orchestra w/ Anita O'Day]
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R.I.P., Ms. Anita O’Day

仕事の忙しい合間に、Mercury / Clef / Verve 時代「以前」の Krupa / Kenton 時代、Signature レーベルなどでのソロデビュー時代について、記事を準備していたところでした (最近はこの辺りの Anita がお気に入りで良く聴いていたんです) が、間に合いませんでした。合掌。

Although I had been so busy for my own job, I sometimes wrote an article dedicated to Anita O’Day in her early years, including Krupa/Kenton days, as well as her first solo recordings such on Signature label (recently I love to listen to her early years, actually). But it was late – her passaway came first. Rest In Peace, lady Anita . . .


Indiana / Bud Powell

相変わらず 忙しい ため、 書きためたドラフト記事の公開もままなりませんが、少し息抜きに . . .

I’ve still been busy and few time for finishing articles here. Anyway here is one thing for me to take a rest . . .

[Royal Roost 513 Side-A]      [Royal Roost 513 Side-B]

I’ll Remember April c/w Off Minor / Bud Powell
(Royal Roost [US] 513)
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Visiting Seya-san’s House

相変わらず忙しさは続いていますが、息抜きを兼ねて昨日つくばの 瀬谷さん のお宅に遊びに行ってきました。美味しい料理とお酒を交わしつつ、 SP の奏でる素敵な音色に包まれて瀬谷さんと岡村さんと過ごす至高の7時間でした。

I’ve still been very busy these days, but I also need a refresh – yesterday I visited Seya-san, an awesome Jazz 78rpm collector, living in Tsukuba, Ibaraki. The living room was filled with warm and rich sounds by various 78rpms, and I really enjoyed music, delicious foods, sake, and chatting with Seya-san and Okamura-san – many thanks for the precious hours!
( . . . the rest of this article is available only in Japanese . . . )

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Smoke Gets In Your Eyes / Carl Perkins

自らの不注意で SP盤を割ってしまい かなり凹んでおりますが、こちらは無事に残った1枚。同じ Savoy レーベルですが、 LP でもお馴染みの音符があしらわれたデザインのものです。 やはり 前回のレーベルデザイン の方が圧倒的にいいですね。

Just four hours after I published the previous article, the 78rpm was broken into pieces due to my carelessness – I was totally depressed. Anyway this is what could avoid the accident. It’s also on Savoy label, but the label design is different. I prefer the early design rather than this simple “note logo” design (which is also familiar on LP issues).

[Savoy 730 Side-A]      [Savoy 730 Side-B]

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes c/w I’ll Never Smile Again / Carl Perkins
(Savoy [US] 730)
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