
Triangle / The Beau Brummels

Rhino Handmade, a renowned label recognized for its numerous invaluable limited-edition CDs, has been satisfying the desires of hardcore collectors since its inception in 1999. This project is a standout endeavor by Rhino Records. Over the years, there have been countless titles on my wish list that I’ve been unable to obtain. Here’s a look at the latest release from the Rhino Handmade label, which I was fortunate enough to purchase recently.

Rhino Handmade RHM2-7892 Spine

Magic Hollow / The Beau Brummels
(Rhino Handmade RHM2-7892)
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Autumn ’66 / The Spencer Davis Group

つい先日、LP ラック を買い足しました。その際、段ボール箱に入れて保管していたレコードを整理しましたが、ここ数年手にとっていなかった盤を手にとっては、その盤にまつわる個人的な想い出が次々と脳裏をかけめぐり、整理は滞りがちになってしまいました。これもそんな一枚。記憶が正しければ、1994年の夏に大阪日本橋の某中古レコード屋で購入したものです。

The other day I bought yet another LP stocker. After the built of the stocker was complete, I started to readjust my LP collection (stocked in the cardboard boxes) to re-stock in this new stocker. During the procedure, I took every LP in my hand, thinking of very personnal memory with the record from one after another, which prevented me from very smooth task to store the records. This LP is one of them – as far as I remember, I bought this album in the summer of 1994 at a certain shop in Nipponbashi, Osaka.

[TL-5359 Front Cover] [TL-5359 Back Cover]

Autumn ’66 / The Spencer Davis Group
(Fontana TL-5359)
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Pete LaRoca’s Turkish Women at the Bath

Blue Note レーベルにおいて Sonny Rollins, Jackie McLean, Joe Henderson, Freddie Hubbard といったアーティストと共演し、同レーベルに唯一のリーダーアルバム “Basra” (Blue Note BLP-4205/BST-84205, CD リイシュー) を残した Pete ‘LaRoca’ Sims。 その独特のタイミング/リズムセンスで個性的なドラミングを披露したスタイリストの、 引退直前の 1967年に Douglas レーベルに残したリーダーアルバムです (1979年に復帰されますが)。

Pete ‘La Roca’ Sims is a drummer who played with such artists as Sonny Rollins, Jackie McLean, Joe Henderson, Freddie Hubbard (all on Blue Note label), and who also left his leader album “Basra” (Blue Note BLP-4205/BST-84205, CD reissue). This LP, presented here, is the last leader album on Douglas label by the unique drum stylist with refreshing rhythmic/timing sense, just before he decided to leave music in 1968 (BTW he came back playing Jazz in 1979).

[SD-782 Front Cover] [SD-782 Back Cover]
Turkish Women at the Bath / Pete La Roca
(Douglas SD-782)
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He’s Funny That Way / Ann Burton

以前ここで紹介した Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel (LOB Japan LDC-1004, 1977年 5月発売) に続き、1977年 7月にリリースされた LOB レーベルのアルバム。 やはり同じくダイレクトカッティング盤で、2,500枚限定発売です。

This LP by Ann Burton (originally out in July 1977), was a following release of Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel (LOB Japan LDC-1004, May 1977), which I mentioned on this web a while ago. Like B. Kessel album, this LP is also direct-cutting disc and released in limited numbers (2,500) only.

[LDC-1005 Front Cover] [LDC-1005 Back Cover]
He’s Funny That Way / Ann Burton
(LOB Japan LDC-1005)
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The Real Thing / Houston Person

この2枚組アルバムを購入するのは実は 2組目です。昨年夏に某所で購入したのですが、1枚目の LP にヒビが入っていた (しかも seller は交換に応じてくれなかった…とほほ) ため、もう 1組買う羽目になったのでした。

This is my 2nd copy I obtained recently – I bought the 1st copy in last summer at a certain auction site, but when I received the parcel, I noticed that the disc 1 was broken during the transit (what was worse, the seller completely ignored my e-mail to ask him for return…). So I had to find and buy another copy which was actually playable.

[2EB-9010 Outer Cover]      [2EB-9010 Inner Cover]
The Real Thing / Houston Person
(Eastbound 2EB-9010)
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The Folk-Type Swinger / Jeannie Hoffman

(本エントリは、私が別の web に 2004年 5月11日付で掲載していたものを転載したものです)
(this entry was originally made public at my another web site on May 11, 2004)


Although there are 20 days left on May, this LP would be one of the best among all collection I got in May.

[T-2021 Front Cover]
The Folk-Type Swinger / Jeannie Hoffman
(Capitol T-2021)
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Demo Crazy / Damon Albarn

(本エントリは、私が別の web に 2004年 3月 1日付で掲載していたものを転載したものです)
(this entry was originally made public at my another web site on March 1, 2004)

このアルバムのタイトル「Demo Crazy」を見た時、真っ先に思い出したのはあの偉大なミュージシャン Fela Kuti のことでした。彼は democracy をもじった、意味深な「Democrazy」というタームを提唱したのでした。

I remember the phrase of this album’s title “Demo Crazy” – the phrase should remind us of the late Fela Kuti, who was (of course) a great Afro artist and who originally coined the meaningful phrase “Democrazy” (not democracy).

[DEMO1/HJP10 Front Cover]
Demo Crazy / Damon Albarn
(Honest John’s DEMO1/HJP10)

この 2枚組 LP の、独特の形状をしたゲートフォールドカバーを開いた時、目にとびこんできたのは、幾多の Damon Albarn の殴り書きの中にあった「DEMOCRAZY IS A FELA KUTI CONCEPT」という文字でした。それを見た時なんだか意味もなく嬉しくなりました。また、Damon Albarn さんが Fela Kuti の音楽を知っていた (恐らくとても好きなのでしょう) ことに驚きもしました。

And when I opened this unique gatefold cover of the double LP, I was so glad (meaninglessly though) that I could find “DEMOCRAZY IS A FELA KUTI CONCEPT” among many other scribbles written by Damon Albarn. I was also surprised that Damon Albarn knew (and might love) the music of Fela Kuti.

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Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel


この前ここで Jim Hall の日本録音ダイレクトカッティング盤 (1976年録音) を紹介しましたが、今度は 1977年の日本録音、同じくダイレクトカッティング盤、Barney Kessel さんの LP です。当時、一体どの位の種類のダイレクトカッティング盤が次から次へと生み出されていったのでしょうか。

A while ago, I wrote an article of dicrect-cutting LP of Jim Hall recorded in Japan (which was recorded in 1976). And here is another example – Barney Kessel’s direct-cutting LP recorded in 1977. I am wondering, how many direcut-cut LPs were produced in the period (late 1970s) in Japan… You may know, Japanese people tends to do what others are doing; they will not likely to do what others are not doing…

[LDC-1004 Front Cover]
Shiny Stockings / Barney Kessel
(LOB Japan LDC-1004)
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Universal “Jazz The Best” LP Collection is out

久々に期待していた 今回の日本盤 LP リイシュー。全20タイトル中本日10タイトルが発売されました。さてさて、肝心の「おと」の方はどうでしょう? さすがに全タイトルは買えないので、とりあえず EmArcy の 2タイトルだけ買ってみました。

The long-awaited LP reissue series by Universal Music Japan is out. Among 20 titles in all, 10 titles have been released today. Well, how does they “sound” anyway? I can’t afford to buy all titles, so this time I bought two EmArcy titles.

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