Category: 78rpm
Don’t Stop The Music / George Jones
これは 先日届いた14枚 の中の 1枚ではないのですが、先月か先々月に「ついでに」入手したものでした。しかしここまで素晴らしい内容だったとは嬉しい誤算です。
This 78rpm is not one of the fourteen 78rpms I got the other day – probably I bought this a month or two ago along with several other 78rpms I won. However, the music was unexpectedly wonderful to me – it’s a lovely, welcome and fascinating misjudgement.
![[Mercury 71029 Side-A]](
![[Mercury 71029 Side-B]](
Don’t Stop The Music c/w Uh, Uh, No / George Jones
(Mercury [US] 71029)
After the ball, after the fascination…
この前の日曜日までの二週間は、毎晩 全仏オープン のテレビ観戦に大忙し (おかげで贔屓にしている ラファは無事三連覇達成。めでたしめでたし)。次の ウィンブルドン が始まるまでの二週間、やっと音楽を聴く時間がとれそうです。
Until last Sunday for two weeks, I was very busy watching Roland Garros matches on TV every night – and one of my favourite players Rafael Nadal has won three straight crowns against the best tennis player in the history Roger Federer which was a great news for me. The next big tournament, The Championships (Wimbledon) will start on 25th of June, and until then I think I can have time to enjoy listening vinyls, CDs and 78rpms after many days of absence.
それにあわせるかの様に、海外から SP が到着。今回も一部を除いて 1枚あたり 5ドル程度で購入。玉石混合ですが、しばらくはいろいろ楽しめそうです。
And it’s a good timing that I received a large parcel yesterday night, containing as many as fourteen 78rpms from the US. Each costed only five bucks with a few exceptions. They might be a mixture of the wheat and the chaff, but anyway I think I will enjoy listening to every 78rpm for a while.
Black Butterfly / Joe Thomas
あー だの こー だの そー だの、なんやかんやと忙しくしてて、最近はゆっくり音楽を聴く時間もとれません。とほほ。
Vine Linux development becoming very active and busy, enjoying small home vegetable farm at my apartment’s verandah, watching professional tennis matches on TV, playing tennis with my friends . . . that’s how I cannot have enough time to enjoy listening to vinyls and 78rpms in the living room nowadays . . .
![[4312BMkII Attenuators]](
最近になってやっと気付いたのですが、SP を聴く時にはスピーカのツィータ用アッティネータを絞ると、割合といい感じで再生できています。たまにはアッティネータも動かしてあげないといけませんしね。あ、もちろん、ヴィンテージのフルレンジなどにかなうはずもありませんけど、まぁ慎ましく平凡な生活を営む我が家ではこんなんでよしとするしかないでしょう (笑)
My recent discovery (small but innevitable) is, that decreasing high frequency output by adjusting an attenuator for a tweeter works very well when playing old 78rpms. Other than that, it may be better for the attenuator to get moved very often. Of course, I know vintage full-range speaker units/systems will sound far better, but it’s my home system – money always talks anyhow 🙁
Continue readingJazz Winds From A New Direction / Hank Garland
It was on July 4, 1960 at a certain beautiful mansion in Newport, Rhode Island, where and when an interesting recording session was made for vinyl release.
![[RCA Victor LPM-2302 Front Cover]](
![[RCA Victor LPM-2302 Back Cover]](
After The Riot At Newport / The Nashville All-Stars
(RCA Victor [US] LPM-2302)
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The Mercury New Orleans Sessions 1950 & 1953
今年発売されたばかりの、この 2枚組 CD。なんといってもジャケットがイカしてます。 ボロボロになった SP アルバム を模した装丁で、最初に手にとった時には不良品かと勘違いしましたよ . . .
This double CD album, just released in this year, has very funny artwork here – take a look, it looks like a heavily worn-out 78rpm album binder! When I saw this artwork for the first time, I thought this copy is one of substandard products . . .
![[Bear Family BCD-16804-BH Cover]](
The Mercury New Orleans Sessions 1950 & 1953
(Bear Family [G] BCD-16804-BH)
この CD を で買う | Buy this CD at
78rpm – A Speed We Can Live With!
昨年 瀬谷さんのお宅に伺った 際に、瀬谷さんから頂いた SP 用輸送ケース。年に何度か郵送されてくるオークションサイトのカタログにステッカーが同梱されていましたので、このケースに貼ってみました。
Seya-san kindly gave his spare 78rpm carrying case to me for free when I visited Seya-san’s house last year along with Okamura-san. Today I pasted a sticker onto the carrying case – the sticker was included in 78rpm auction catalogue book which was mailed to me regularly.
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R.I.P. Mr. Frankie Laine
フランキー・レイン (Frankie Laine) さんが 6日、心不全の為 93歳で亡くなったそうです。大往生といっていいのかもしれません。
Mr. Frankie Laine died on 6th of February, of heart failure. He was 93 years old – I hope it was a natural and peaceful death.
- Singer Frankie Laine Dies at 93 (EXAMINER)
- Frankie Laine, ‘Rawhide’ Singer, Dies at Age 93 (Bloomberg)
Dinu Lipatti Chopin Waltzes
ショパン (Frédéric François Chopin) のワルツ集 . . . 音楽に全く興味のない人でも、必ず何曲かは耳にしたことがあるはず。少しでもピアノを習ったことがある人なら、何曲かは弾いたことがあるはず。そして弾き手の解釈によってその表情が余りにも変化してしまう、本当に 難しい 曲集。
Piano Waltzes by Frédéric François Chopin . . . which have been very popular even among people who don’t have interests in music at all . . . anyone who had learnt playing classical piano ever had a chance to play a Chopin Waltz or two . . . and what’s most important, these fourteen Waltzes are very difficult to play – every pianist play Chopin Waltzes based on interpretations of their own, and every performance shows variety of diversity.
Continue readingHow To EQ Old Records
Sorry to all the visitors here, that I cannot regularly update this site, although the time is already the new year 2007 – it will likely to need more time for me to get active again, I guess.
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