Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
新しくもなく古くもなく。スカスカ気味な音なのに無駄なく緻密に構成されている。1960年代的な音の感触も交えつつ、ニューウェーブからポストロックに至るまでの多彩なフレーバーが満載。久々に聴き応えのあるロックの新譜に出会いました。最近やっと日本盤 CD も出たようですが、(ビニールジャンキーのはしくれとしてはリリースされたことが素直に嬉しい) LP で買ってみました。
The music is “new” as well as “old” – the arrangement is simple but well-done – variety of musical flavours are featured on every track, from the sound of 1960s’ Rock through New Wave to the Post Rock scene – this album is like what I’ve been waiting for, and really enjoyable in every respect. Recently and at last, Japan CD was finally releaed, but as a petty vinyl junkie, I bought a vinyl LP version of this album (thanks for vinyl edition also being available!).
(the rest of the English edition of this article will be available in the near future)
(no label no number)