The very same 3LP box set as new products – one sold at around 5,000 YEN, while the other at around 2,000 YEN. I bought the cheaper edition, of course.
Stop The Clocks – The Best Of Oasis (Helter Skelter 869 700 754-1)
Personally I regret that this article (which I started writing a few months ago but not published yet) was not in time before her passaway – anyway here it is.
以前の記事 でも書いた通り、愛して止まない ステアーズ (The Stairs) と エドガー・サマータイム (Edgar Jones aka Edgar Summertyme)。その Stairs が 1991年〜1992年、唯一のアルバム “Mexican R ‘N’ B” 以外にリリースした 4枚のマキシシングル には、アルバム未収録曲が多く収録されているだけでなく、1960年代ガレージロックファンなら思わずニヤリとしてしまうカヴァー曲もあり、アルバム同様に聴き逃せません。幻のセカンドアルバムの音源を含むデモ音源集「Right In The Back Of Your Mind」も今年リリースされたことですし、是非 CD 化を!
As I mentioned in the past article, I love The Stairs and Edgar Jones (aka Edgar Summertyme) so much. The Stairs released four maxi singles in 1991-1992, as well as their only album. The maxi singles contains innevitable tracks which cannot be heard on the album. Also, they contains cover versions of very scarce 1960s garage rock bands. I sincerely hope all recordings by The Stairs will be reissued on CD! Now is the time, I believe, simply because Edgar Jones released his first solo album last year, and the album “Right In The Back Of Your Mind” is out now.
( . . . the rest of this article is currently available only in Japanese . . . )
This album, released in February 2005 from German label MORR Music (whose catalogue contains many titles I like), was the one I bought last year. Recently I often pick up the album and enjoy the music. The album is available both in CD and LP format (the latter is double LP format, disc one in 33 1/3 rpm and disc 2 in 45 rpm) – of course I bought the album in LP format with no doubt.
Unsolved Remained / Masha Qrella (MORR MUSIC [G] MM 052 LP)
It’s been over four years since I firstly opened the site dedicated to Mercury records. The most delightful thing for me has been that various musicians, their relatives, producers or even engineers kindly contacted me by e-mail. They have told me so many invaluable information. I really thank for that.
Well, this is the part 3 of the “Less-known 45rpm” article (previous articles are: The Changing Times and Gary Knight 45rpms). This 45rpm, which contains pretty girly-pop tracks, was recorded by a seldom-known girl group of four, who left this 45rpm only. Of course, there is few information about this 45rpm and the group. But recently, a certain person e-mailed me about this 45rpm, and he kindly let me know the member of the band. Then luckily I could have a contact to Deborah Rubin-san (who was the member of the band), and we exchanged e-mails several times. The following interview is a result of editing such e-mails (with kind permission by Deborah-san). Now let’s enjoy the less-known 45rpm, and the very interesting story (here for the first time?) behind the record!
さて、 The Changing Times、 Gary Knight に続いて紹介する「マイナーなシングル」シリーズ第3弾の本盤ですが、この 1枚しか録音を残していない、4人組女性グループのかわいらしいガールポップです。このグループについては全くといっていい程情報がありませんでした。それが最近、ある方からのメールにより、元メンバーの Deborah Rubin さんとコンタクトをとることが出来まして、何度かメールでやりとりをしました。以下、そのメールを元に、(Deborah さんの許可をとって) インタビュー形式にまとめなおしたものです。歴史に埋もれた一枚のシングル、それにまつわる貴重な話 (本邦初公開、いや、世界初公開?) を以下お楽しみ下さい。
Anne Marie Loves Jean Pierre c/w My Lonely Life / The Sugarhill Four (Limelight [US] Y-3034)
サイケやガレージが大好きないちファンとして、私にとって シド・バレット(Syd Barrett) は余りにも大きな存在でした。Syd Barrett が Pink Floyd であり、その逆も真。一体、“The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn” や “The Madcap Laughs” といった奇跡的なアルバムを、彼以外の誰が作れたというのでしょう? そして可愛らしさと狂気が同居したかの様な “Arnold Lane”、“See Emily Play”、“Apples And Oranges” といったサイケポップチューンを作った職人でもありました。唯一残念なのは、彼はもう何十年も前から、(精神的に) あっちの世界に行ってしまっていたことです。
For me as a fan of Psychedelic / Garage music, Syd Barrett meant everything – Syd Barrett was Pink Floyd, and the reverse being true. Who else could make such stunning albums like “The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn” and “The Madcap Laughs” ? I also love his/their Psyche-Popper “Arnold Lane”, “See Emily Play” and “Apples And Oranges”. The only regret was, that he had already been (mentally) away from this world for dozens of years . . . .