
Fine And Dandy / Sonny Stitt


This short article is a revised edition of what I was writing bits and pieces earlier this year. Still one mystery survives – what and how will be the real truth coming out?

[Stitt's Bits - The Bebop Recordings 1949-1952]

Stitt’s Bits: The Bebop Recordings 1949-1952 / Sonny Stitt
(Prestige [US] PRCD3-30043-2)

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Universal Studio Blaze Burns Music History


Sad, traggic, depressing news for us old music enthusiasts…


“A fire roared through part of Universal Studios film and TV studio on Sunday, June 1, 2008” (quoted from Reuters.com news article), and there is a new rumor (or confirmation) coming that the fire consumed invaluable/historical metal masters and master tapes back from 1930s-1950s.

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Sleigh Ride / Herb Geller

It’s been nearly one year since I bought used vinyls and 78rpms last, but here it is now, my new acquisition – (I hope) I won’t be back rapidly to the centre of the “the road to vinyl/shellac junkies” (I hope and pray, actually), anyway it’s a kind of rehabilitation for me, buying a single 78rpm in last eleven months . . .

最後に LP や SP を買ってから、はや1年近く経過しましたが、ついに禁を破ってこの1枚 〜 もう以前の様に「ヴィニール / シェラックジャンキーへの道」へ戻らないでいたいものです (ホントにそうなればいいんですが)。ともあれリハビリ的にこの1枚、久しぶりに買ってしまいました。

[EmArcy 16016 Side-A] [EmArcy 16016 Side-B]

Sleigh Ride c/w Silver Rain / Herb Geller
(EmArcy 16016)
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Otono Edison Cartridges – 3mil version now available

以前 4mil バージョンしかないことを残念に思った (その時、メーカさんには「ぜひ 3mil バージョンもお願いします」とメールで切々と訴えておいたのですが) 音のエジソン の SP 用モノーラルカートリッジ。瀬谷さん から教えてもらったのですが、ついに 3mil バージョンも正式に販売されることになったようです。

While ago I wrote an article about Otono Edison monaural cartridge for 78rpms. When I wrote that article, there was only 4mil version available, while most of the 78rpms from “golden age” plays best with 3mil needle tip. So when I bought the cartridge, I wrote several e-mails to the company that they should sell 3mil version as well. Then in 2008, Otono-Edison finally decided to sell 3mil version as well as 4mil version – thanks Seya-san for letting me know.

しかし、5月に引越ししてから、まだ一度も SP 盤を聴いていません。ゆっくり音楽を聴く時間がまだとれずにいることもありますし、前の住まいより周りがあまりにも静かなので十分な音量で聴くのがためらわれる、というのもあります。最大の理由は、引越し後のどたばたで、SP がすぐに手の届かない場所にいってしまったためです . . . 時間ができたら、まだ整理完了とは程遠い私の部屋をなんとか整理し直さないといけません。

BTW the bad thing for me is that, since I moved to a new apartment in May, I have never had a chance to listen to 78rpms – maybe because I haven’t had enough time to fully enjoy listening to music, or maybe because this new place is too quiet all around (which is a very good thing for my sweet little baby, now in 9 months old) and I feel I hesitate to play vinyl/shellac records at louder volume as I used to do. But the most probable reason is, that I had been very busy and confused while moving/restoring whole lot of stuffs, and cardboard boxes which contains my 78rpm collection are out of reach behind my other stuffs (books, cloths, other boxes et al.) – so the first thing I have to do after I have spare time is to do another cleanup in my room . . .

Suspension Tower Upgrade Kit for Michell Gyrodec」に続く . . .


What on earth is DEEP GROOVES on vinyl records?

久方振りの更新です。日常生活や仕事の合間にこつこつ書きためていたものを (後追いになりますが) 暇を見つけては公開していくことにします。さて今回は . . . .

Sorry for scarce updates on this site. I’ve been writing several articles little by little when I had some spare time during my daily life as well as my work. And right now this topic deals with . . . .

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Groovin’ High / “Diz” and “Bird”

( . . . きちんと音楽を聴ける時間がやっととれた . . . )

This afternoon mother-in-law went long way back to Kobe. She stayed with us for about a month to help us with the baby. Thank you so much anyway.

The only regret with her was, for me, that she didn’t like listening to music much, and that she didn’t understand how much (and how often) I love listening to music as a daily basis. So while she was staying with us at home, the loud speaker on the right side had to stay away from the speaker-stand, because the speaker is always located in front of the window to the veranda, and she always complained that the speaker stood in her way out to the veranda with laundry . . . yes she’s right.

[Speaker, get away from the stand!]
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Max Roach a la carte

Last night I picked up two LP albums by Max Roach and put ’em on my turntable to pray R.I.P.

昨晩はマックス・ローチへの追悼の意味で 2枚の LP を聴きました。


Both albums recorded in the 1970s, both released only in Japan, both not so popular as Roach’s other masterpieces, and both not his best albums ever. But they have given me very interesting insights of the percussion artistry of how Max Roach can “sing” with the drums.

ともに 1970年代録音で、ともに日本のみのリリースだったものです。どちらの盤もマックス・ローチの幾多の名盤群に比べると有名な盤ではなく、最高傑作というわけでもありません。けれども私には、どちらのアルバムも初めて聴いた時から非常に興味深く感じられたものです。偉大なるパーカッショニスト、マックス・ローチのドラミングが文字通り「歌っている」、そのことがシンプルなフォーマットでここまで現れている盤は他にないようにすら思えます。

[Max Roach on Drums]
Max Roach in 1954
(taken from the back cover of EmArcy MG-36036 “Clifford Brown and Max Roach”)
[Max Roach on Drums]
Max Roach in 2002
(taken from the back cover of Eighty-Eights VRJL-7005 “Friendship”)
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Old Record Catalogues, Pt.5

Part 1 (Bethlehem, Fantasy, Pacific Jazz)Part 2 (Roost, Atlantic, Blue Note)Part 3 (Riverside)Part 4 (Prestige) に続く第5回は、私の手持ちのカタログの中で 2番目に古いものです。 もちろん戦前、日本的にいうと昭和10年代 (笑) ですので、当時は SP 時代全盛期。私の様な SP 初心者のコレクションには、本カタログに掲載されているものはほとんど含まれていません (笑)

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