
James Brown Live At The Boston Garden, April 5th, 1968

2009/03/30 追記: こちら もあわせてご覧下さい。2008年、ついにオフィシャルリリースされました。本記事は2006年12月14日に書かれたものです。

Update (Mar. 30, 2009) : See also this entry – this live performance has been finally available as officially released DVD in 2008. This article itself was initially made public on Dec. 14, 2006.

もう100回以上は観たでしょうか。しかし 1回たりとも「見飽きた」と思わせぬ緊張度/怒涛の勢い/完成度を前に、毎度毎度腰を抜かされ感涙にむせぶばかり。一日も早く、オフィシャルな映像リリースが行われて欲しいと心から願うばかりです。

Probably I have watched this over a hundred of times, but because of the heavy tension, energy and perfection the film contains, I still have not get bored of watching – instead, every time I watch, I cannot help shed tears of gratitude. I sincerely hope from my heart, that the official release of this video is available as soon as possible . . .

[James Brown At The Boston Garden]
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Anita O’Day in her early years


Personally I regret that this article (which I started writing a few months ago but not published yet) was not in time before her passaway – anyway here it is.

[Gene Krupa Orchestra w/ Anita O'Day]
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R.I.P., Ms. Anita O’Day

仕事の忙しい合間に、Mercury / Clef / Verve 時代「以前」の Krupa / Kenton 時代、Signature レーベルなどでのソロデビュー時代について、記事を準備していたところでした (最近はこの辺りの Anita がお気に入りで良く聴いていたんです) が、間に合いませんでした。合掌。

Although I had been so busy for my own job, I sometimes wrote an article dedicated to Anita O’Day in her early years, including Krupa/Kenton days, as well as her first solo recordings such on Signature label (recently I love to listen to her early years, actually). But it was late – her passaway came first. Rest In Peace, lady Anita . . .


Can you still hear 18kHz?


I have been wondering about that. It’s about audio in a different point of view.


I mean, does all people listen to the very same sound, even though the listener’s audibility (in sound frequency) is different each other?

以前から携帯電話の呼出音として使うとどうよ? ってな感じで一部で話題になっていた Mosquito Ring Tone。幸い、私はまだ 18kHz も聞こえましたが、さすがに 2〜3回聞いただけで、耳鳴りがするというか、耳が疲れてしまいます。さて、皆さんはどこまで聞こえますか?

The famous Mosquito Ring Tone, which is inaudible for most adults, has been used among teenagers as a ring tone for mobile phones. Luckily I can still hear 18kHz sine wave (at least now), but after listening to it several times, my ears do complain that they are very tired and I feel bad… Anyway, can you still hear all high-frequency tones?


Edison Replica SP

相も変わらず忙しくて、以前の様に音楽に浸る時間を十分に割けない日々が続いていますが、 今回は SP 用のカートリッジを追加購入したお話を . . .

I’ve still been very busy, unfortunately, and I can’t have enough spare time to devote listening to vinyls and 78rpms – oh my. Anyway this time, here is a story of another 78rpm cartridge I bought several days ago . . .

[Edison Replica SP]
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Indiana / Bud Powell

相変わらず 忙しい ため、 書きためたドラフト記事の公開もままなりませんが、少し息抜きに . . .

I’ve still been busy and few time for finishing articles here. Anyway here is one thing for me to take a rest . . .

[Royal Roost 513 Side-A]      [Royal Roost 513 Side-B]

I’ll Remember April c/w Off Minor / Bud Powell
(Royal Roost [US] 513)
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Vampire and Overhang Party at U.F.O. Club

仕事で東京に来ていたヨットさんに誘ってもらい、高円寺の U.F.O. Club でのライブに行ってきました。Vampire のライブを観るのは (京都以来) ? 年振り。対バンの皆さんもそれぞれに魅力的で、平成のジャックス (?)、パンク化したソフトマシーン (Alian Social Dance Party)、ニューウェーブパンクの生き残りが変拍子化 (これが Vampire ね)、ジョンボーナムが加入したライド (これは Overhang Party – 最高!) と形容出来るかの如きバラエティの豊かさ。現在進行系のロックに触れることは呼吸することと同義であることを再認識しました。いやー気持ちえがった〜、しかし久し振りの爆音で耳がおかしくなりましたよ . . .

[Sep. 24, 2006 at U.F.O. Club]
(Alian Social Dance Party)
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Visiting Seya-san’s House

相変わらず忙しさは続いていますが、息抜きを兼ねて昨日つくばの 瀬谷さん のお宅に遊びに行ってきました。美味しい料理とお酒を交わしつつ、 SP の奏でる素敵な音色に包まれて瀬谷さんと岡村さんと過ごす至高の7時間でした。

I’ve still been very busy these days, but I also need a refresh – yesterday I visited Seya-san, an awesome Jazz 78rpm collector, living in Tsukuba, Ibaraki. The living room was filled with warm and rich sounds by various 78rpms, and I really enjoyed music, delicious foods, sake, and chatting with Seya-san and Okamura-san – many thanks for the precious hours!
( . . . the rest of this article is available only in Japanese . . . )

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