
Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 25

EQカーブの歴史ディスク録音の歴史を、私が学ぶ過程を記録した本シリーズ。前回 Pt.24 では、録音チェーンおよび再生環境における周波数応答特性や位相特性が変化しうるパターンについて調べ、可変イコライザ等の使用による音作りが(特にポピュラー音楽系で)多く行われていることを改めて学びました。また、各種CDリイシュー音源の比較により、当時のシングルマスター、当時のLPマスター、マルチトラックマスターからのリマスター、などを比較することで、ディスク録音イコライザを通過する前の音の違いが確認できることも紹介しました。

This series have documented my process of learning the history of EQ curves and disc recording. In the previous Pt.24, I examined the patterns in which frequency response characteristics and phase characteristics can be changed in the recording chain and reproducing environment, and I learned again that the sound creation (especially in popular music) is often done through the use of variable equalizers and the like. I also introduced the comparison of various CD reissues to confirm the differences in sound between single masters of the time, LP masters of the time, remastered from multi-track masters, etc., before passing through the disc recording equalizer.

最終回 となる今回 Pt.25 は、2年以上に及び調べ学んできた膨大な内容を総括した 要約(復習)です。諸説多きディスク録音EQカーブについて、現時点で分かっていることを整理し、現時点での私の理解に基づき、最後に結論めいたものを記しています。また、少しでも読みやすくするため、仮想キャラ2名によるカジュアルな対話形式を挿入してみました(笑)

This Pt.25, which will be the final part, is a summary of the vast amount of information that I have learned and researched over the past two years. I will then summarize what is currently known — and some tentative summary and conclusion based on my current understanding of many thories — about the EQ curves of disc recordings. Also, in order to make it as easy to read as possible, I have inserted casual dialogues between two virtual characters 🙂

The Measure of Your Phonograph’s Equalization (Dubbings D-101, 1953)

source: The Measure of Your Phonograph’s Equalization (Dubbings D-101, 1953)
from my own collection

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Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 21

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を(私が独りで勝手に)学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.20 では、1954年〜における米国の各レーベルの RIAA 対応状況について各種資料から追いました。また、過去〜現在における EQ カーブ調査の系譜についてまとめました。

On the previous part 20, I looked for trace of how the U.S. labels migrated to RIAA, after the standardization of RIAA Recording and Reproducing Standards in early 1954, by researching various documents and magazines. Also I examined the genealogy of the studies and researches on EQ curves, from past to the present.

多忙等のため少し間があいてしまいましたが、今回の Pt.21 です。もともとは、今回を最終回として、今まで触れられなかった小トピックのほか、ここまでの学びの総括を行い、全体をどのように捉えるのがもっとも論理的整合性が高いと考えられるか、を考察するつもりでした。

After a long absence, here’s the Pt. 21. Initially I was thinking to make this part the summary and conclusion part of the entire series, including some other minor topics, as well as my final consideration of the history of the EQ curves, based on the whole study I have conducted, to find the most logical and consistent.


However, once I started writing one of the “minor topics”, it became longer and longer… so this time I’m going to deal only with a variety of “Test Records”, from the viewpoint of disc recording curves.


So this series of articles will be continued for a little while longer 🙂

Freq. Response Graph FPR0468H3 of DENON 103-R No. 9076 plotted using JVC TRS-1005

Frequency response graph sheet (Nippon Columbia FPR0468H3) that came with DENON 103-R Serial No. 9076, plotted using JVC TRS-1005 test record.
私が所有する DENON 103-R カートリッジ(シリアル番号9076)に付属してきた、JVC TRS-1005 テストレコードを使った特性グラフシート(日本コロムビア FPR0468H3)

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Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 16

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.15 では、こぼれ話的に「ハイ・フィデリティ」という用語の歴史について調べてみました。

On the previous part 15, I studied on the history of the term “High Fidelity (Hi-Fi)” as a side story, before I continue studying more on the history of disc recording and recording / reproducing EQ curves.

今回の Pt.16 は、再び本論に戻り、オーディオ工学に特化した学会の設立、そしてその学会から出された「統一再生カーブ」の提唱、などをみていきます。

This time as Pt. 16, I am going back to continue learning the history of disc recording, including the establishment of an academic society specialized in audio engineering; and the proposed playback curve advocated by that society.

Hollywood Sapphire Group

source: “Hollywood Sapphire Group”, Robert J. Callen, Audio Engineering Magazine, Vol.32, No.1, January 1948, pp.17,39-41.
1946年2月13日、Hollywood の Brittingham’s レストランで模様された、Hollywood Sapphire Group の初会合の写真 (写真キャプションの1947年は間違い)

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Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 15

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.14 では、1949年〜1950年(または1951年)の「回転数競争」における、各レーベルの参入状況を時系列に追ってみました。

On the previous part 14, I studied more on the history and chronology of which label joined which new format (33 1/3 rpm or 45 rpm) during the so-called “The Battle of The Speeds” era in 1949 to 1950 or 1951.

今回の Pt.15 はその続きなのですが、一休みして、1950年頃からの「ハイファイ」ブームの黎明期よりずっと前に生まれた、「ハイ・フィデリティ」という用語の歴史についてみていきます。

This time as Pt. 15, before I am going to continue learning the history of disc recording, I will look into the side story — i.e. the pre-history of the “Hi-Fi craze”, as well as the history of the term “High Fidelity” itself.

RCA Photophone High FIdelity (1935)

source: RCA Ad, Kinematograph Weekly, June 27, 1935, p. 76.
1935年の英国雑誌に登場した、RCA Photophone High Fidelity の広告

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Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 3

前回 は、電気録音黎明期のあれこれについて調べました。今回は、その後発展していく電気録音、そして 1930年前後の各レーベルの状況 について引き続き調べていきます。

On the previous part, I studied on more of the history of Electrical Recording in its very early years, along with several digressions… This time, I am going to continue learning the evolution of the electrical recording, as well as the situation of record labels around the 1930s.

American Epic; Recording The {Twenties, Thirties} Continue reading

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 1

Pt.0 (はじめに) の続きです。

This article is a sequel to “Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt.0”.

レコードのEQカーブについて深掘りする前に、そもそも なぜイコライゼーションが生まれたのか、なぜ必要とされたのか、その歴史から調べてみることにしました。また、更にさかのぼって、音を溝に記録するとはどういうことか、についても学び直すことにしました。なので、カーブの話に到達するまでに長い道のりになってしまう予定です(笑)

Before digging deeper about EQ curves, I started to study from the very beginning: why the EQ curve was born, why it was/is needed for phonograph recording (and playback). Also, I tried to re-study the very basic – how the recording sounds are converted to a modulated spiral groove. So I’m afraid it will take very long before I reach the story of the EQ curve itself…

Digital image of the surface of 78 rpm record taken with optical magnification. The illumination is coaxial (the light falls vertically onto horizontal record), therefore only horizontal parts of the record reflect the light back into the optical system. These include the inter-groove surface of the record represented by the wide bands in the picture, and the bottom portion of the groove, represented by the thin lines. The scratches on the inter-groove surface are clearly seen. The size of the imaged surface is 2.35 x 2.19 mm 2 .

Audio Reconstruction of Mechanically Recorded Sound by Digital Processing of Metrological Data – Scientific Figure on ResearchGate.
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Digital-image-of-the-surface-of-78-rpm-record-taken-with-optical-magnification-The_fig1_242606860 (accessed 4 Sep, 2022)

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Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 0


Following is just the beginning of the long series of the study I have been doing for a while, regarding the controversial topic “Phono EQ Curves” – people having various opinions on it, although many of them are subjective and not scientifical. I started the study and research of the history of disc recording as a whole, from the very early electrical disc recording technology in the 1920s.

我が家では15年ほど前から、78rpm や非RIAA LP用に Esoteric Sound (Rek-o-kut) Re-Equalizer という簡易式アドオン型フォノイコライザを使用しています。実は昨年、Re-Equalizer III という最新バージョンに置き換えたのですが。

Since 2006, I’ve been using Esoteric Sound (Rek-o-kut) Re-Equalizer (actually I replaced it with the most recent version Re-Equalizer III in 2021) for 78rpms and pre-RIAA LPs. It’s a niche phono EQ compensator.

Esoteric Sound Re-Equalizer

Esoteric Sound Re-Equalizer III (above), bought in 2021
Esoteric Sound Re-Equalizer (bottom), bought in 2006

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