Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 20

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.19 では、1950年代中盤〜1970年代の代表的なカッティングアンプと内蔵録音フォノイコの取説や回路図を調査し、どのように RIAA 録音カーブが実現されていたかを学びました。

On the previous part 19, I learned how the RIAA recording curve was accomplished with various recording amplifiers and built-in recording EQs from the mid-1950s to 1970s.

今回の Pt.20 では、1954年前半に RIAA 録音再生特性の標準規格化が策定されたあと、米国の各レーベルがどのように RIAA に移行していったか、その痕跡を探すと同時に、過去〜現在における EQ カーブ調査の系譜についてもみていきます。

In this Pt. 20, we’re going to look for traces of how the U.S. labels migrated to RIAA, after the standardization of RIAA Recording and Reproducing Standards in early 1954, as well as to examine the genealogy of the studies and researches on EQ curves, from past to the present.

CSL (Columbia Standard Level)

SIDE II, ZRD 431-1A (from my own collection)
A playback system equalized to this standard should reproduce this record ± 1 db from 10 KC to 30 cycles, and from 15 KC to 10 KC ± 1 db at 6 db below that from 10 KC to 30 cycles.

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 18

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.17 では、1948年〜1953年(つまり1954年のRIAA規格策定前)の、米国における民生用レコードのEQカーブの状況を調査し学びました。

On the previous part 17, I learned the situation of the consumer records in the U.S. since 1948 until 1953 (i.e. before the RIAA Standard was formulated in 1954), especially the disc EQ curves used for those records manufactured in the U.S.


At the same time, I did a brief research of phono EQ units (for magnetic cartridges) in the amplifiers that were sold in the era, when the rise of “Hi-Fi” movement became obvious.

今回の Pt.18 では、ついに、1953年NARTB規格、1954年改訂AES再生カーブ、1954年RIAA規格の成立のストーリーに入ります。

This Pt. 18 — finally — will deal with the stories of the formulation of the following standards: 1953 NARTB Recording and Reproducing Standards; 1954 new AES Playback Curve; 1954 RIAA Standard Recording and Reproducing Characteristic.

Characteristics For Fine Groove Disc Records

source: “RIAA Dimensional Standards: Bulletin No. E 1: Standard Recording and Reproducing Characteristics
RIAA Recording / Reproducing Curves, from the version revised on Nov. 6, 1978.

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 15

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.14 では、1949年〜1950年(または1951年)の「回転数競争」における、各レーベルの参入状況を時系列に追ってみました。

On the previous part 14, I studied more on the history and chronology of which label joined which new format (33 1/3 rpm or 45 rpm) during the so-called “The Battle of The Speeds” era in 1949 to 1950 or 1951.

今回の Pt.15 はその続きなのですが、一休みして、1950年頃からの「ハイファイ」ブームの黎明期よりずっと前に生まれた、「ハイ・フィデリティ」という用語の歴史についてみていきます。

This time as Pt. 15, before I am going to continue learning the history of disc recording, I will look into the side story — i.e. the pre-history of the “Hi-Fi craze”, as well as the history of the term “High Fidelity” itself.

RCA Photophone High FIdelity (1935)

source: RCA Ad, Kinematograph Weekly, June 27, 1935, p. 76.
1935年の英国雑誌に登場した、RCA Photophone High Fidelity の広告

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 10

EQカーブの歴史、ディスク録音の歴史を学ぶ本シリーズ。前回 Pt.9 では、1940年代に市販用シェラック盤がどのような設定で聴かれていたか、そしてどのように記録されていたか、を調べました。

On the previous part 9, I studied on the settings and the trends of how the commercial shellac records were reproduced (and recorded) in the 1940s.

今回はその続きで、戦後のさまざまな動き、特にマイクログルーヴLP登場前後の NAB規格改訂(1949年) についてみていくことにしましょう。EQカーブに関する話も、ますます具体的になり増えてくることになると思います。

This time, I am going to continue learning the history of disc recording – some of the notable discussion after WWII, especially the 1949 revision of the NAB Standards, around the advent of microgroove LP records. More detailed stories on equalization curves will hopefully included on this Pt.10 and the following parts.

MacArthur Cuts Radio Rep In Japanese Area (1945)

source: “MacArthur Cuts Radio Rep In Japanese Area”, The Billboard, Vol.57, No.42, October 20, 1945, p.4

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 8

前回 Pt.7 では、圧電素子を使ったクリスタルカートリッジの普及とジュークボックスの関係、また Brush Development が提唱していたクリスタルカッターを使った定振幅記録再生(イコライズレス)の試みなど、あれこれについて調べました。

On the previous part 7, I studied on the advent of piezo-electric pickups and the relationship with jukeboxes; an attempt to popularize constant-amplitude recording/reproducing without utilizing equalizers, etc.

今回はその続きで、ついに、史上初めて標準規格として策定された、1942年 NAB 規格の経緯 について、長文になりますがみていきましょう。

This time, I am going to continue learning the history of 1942 NAB Standards, the first standardization ever in industry. It will become a very long article, but anywhere here we go.

Standard Frequency Characteristics for “Vertical and or “Lateral” Recordings (Nov. 23, 1942)

Western Electric Vertical/Lateral Recording Characteristics (1942 NAB), drawn on Nov. 23, 1942
Western Electric 社の縦振動/横振動用録音カーブ (1942 NAB vertical/lateral) をプロットした貴重なグラフ (Nicholas Bergh さん提供)
photo courtesy of Nicholas Bergh.

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 5

前回 は、トーキー映画用のディスク録音、民生用長時間レコード、放送局用トランスクリプション盤、ベル研/WEの縦振動トランスクリプション盤など、あれこれについて調べました。

On the previous part, I studied on the history of the “sound-on-disc” soundtracks for talking motion pictures, “Program Transcription” long playing record for consumer, Electrical Transcription discs for radio industry, Bell/WE’s vertical transcription technology, etc.

今回はその続きで、放送局用の横振動記録トランスクリプション盤のあれこれ、及び初の録音再生統一カーブ “Orthacoustic” について学んでいきます。

This time, I am going to continue learning the history, including the lateral transcription records, as well as the first recording/reproducing curve ever published – called “Orthacoustic”.

Mr. Frederick and Mr. Stokowski (1932)

source: “Adoustical Scoiety Hears New Vertical Recordings”, Bell Laboratories Record, Vol.10, No. 10, June 1932, p.370.

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 4

前回 は、大恐慌時代の1930年代前半、WE特許使用料回避のため生まれたBlumleinシステムや、当時のRCA VictorやColumbiaの状況など、あれこれについて調べました。

On the previous part, I studied on the history of the improvement of disc recording technology for commercial discs, including the Blumlein system, situations of RCA Victor and Columbia in the 1930s (during the Great Depression), etc.

今回は、民生用ではなく、映画用・放送局向けのレコード技術 の話、そして初めてS/N比向上の目的で 意識的に高域プリエンファシスが用いられた録音技術 について学んでいきます。

This time, I am going to continue learning the history, from the disc recording technology for professional talking motion pictures and broadcast stations (not regular records for consumer market), and the very important technology that consiously used treble pre-emphasis for the first time in history, to increase S/N ratio.

Vertical cutting vs Lateral cutting (Read, 1952)

source: “The Recording and Reproduction of Sound”, Oliver Read, 2nd Edition, 1952, p.21, Fig. 3-3B.

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 3

前回 は、電気録音黎明期のあれこれについて調べました。今回は、その後発展していく電気録音、そして 1930年前後の各レーベルの状況 について引き続き調べていきます。

On the previous part, I studied on more of the history of Electrical Recording in its very early years, along with several digressions… This time, I am going to continue learning the evolution of the electrical recording, as well as the situation of record labels around the 1930s.

American Epic; Recording The {Twenties, Thirties} Read More / 続きを読む
Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 2

Pt.0 (はじめに)」、そして「Pt.1 (定速度と定振幅、電気録音黎明期)」の続きです。

This article is a sequel to “Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt.0” and “Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt.1”.

前回 は、いろいろ脱線しながら(笑)レコードに記録される2つの特性と、電気録音黎明期のあれこれについて調べました。今回は、EQカーブの話を離れて、電気録音黎明期のあれこれ についてもう少し調べていきます。

On the previous part, I studied on two recording characteristics (constant velocity and constant amplitude), as well as the history of Electrical Recording in its very early years, along with several digressions… This time, I am going to continue learning other things during the early days of electrical recording, apart from EQ curves.

Brunswick Panatrope Ad, The Talking Machine World, Feb. 15, 1927, p.5

source: Brunswick Panatrope Ad on “The Talking Machine World, February 15, 1927”, p.5.

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Kohji Matsubayashi (松林弘治)

Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt. 1

Pt.0 (はじめに) の続きです。

This article is a sequel to “Things I learned on Phono EQ curves, Pt.0”.

レコードのEQカーブについて深掘りする前に、そもそも なぜイコライゼーションが生まれたのか、なぜ必要とされたのか、その歴史から調べてみることにしました。また、更にさかのぼって、音を溝に記録するとはどういうことか、についても学び直すことにしました。なので、カーブの話に到達するまでに長い道のりになってしまう予定です(笑)

Before digging deeper about EQ curves, I started to study from the very beginning: why the EQ curve was born, why it was/is needed for phonograph recording (and playback). Also, I tried to re-study the very basic – how the recording sounds are converted to a modulated spiral groove. So I’m afraid it will take very long before I reach the story of the EQ curve itself…

Digital image of the surface of 78 rpm record taken with optical magnification. The illumination is coaxial (the light falls vertically onto horizontal record), therefore only horizontal parts of the record reflect the light back into the optical system. These include the inter-groove surface of the record represented by the wide bands in the picture, and the bottom portion of the groove, represented by the thin lines. The scratches on the inter-groove surface are clearly seen. The size of the imaged surface is 2.35 x 2.19 mm 2 .

Audio Reconstruction of Mechanically Recorded Sound by Digital Processing of Metrological Data – Scientific Figure on ResearchGate.
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Digital-image-of-the-surface-of-78-rpm-record-taken-with-optical-magnification-The_fig1_242606860 (accessed 4 Sep, 2022)

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